Happy individuals stick with the company and become their advocate. There is no science in it. We all know that if you leave a customer assuring that there is a smile on his face, you end up gaining a loyal follower. But how can you make this happen? How can you be sure that the person entering your company will receive good treatment? Well, it can be done by a good customer experience strategy.
However, some businesses implement the CX strategy but aren’t able to get appropriate results. If this is the case, you can consider measuring customer satisfaction. A customer satisfaction survey can help. But keep in mind that the process might not be that simple. One has to consider the limitations of qualitative research and the method one adopts.
Start with a plan
Set a precise aim regarding what you want to measure and how you will do it. Assure that you are measuring customer satisfaction with a good purpose. Companies usually do it to improve the quality of the product or service they offer. Moreover, you can also consider evaluating how your customer service section is performing. Each customer enters your business with a touchpoint. Knowing how they enter and interact can help you improve these touchpoints.
Know what to measure.
A customer satisfaction survey can measure several different things. Some people like to stick with one, while others design a different survey to measure varying metrics. One can also evaluate several metrics regarding customer satisfaction in a single questionnaire.
Generally, you will see brands asking for the NPS. It is the net promoter score that evaluates whether a person is likely to recommend your business or not. You get to know if someone coming in contact with your company will represent it in front of others and advocate for your business. Rated on a scale of 0 to 10, the ones promoting your company would give a rating of 9 or 10. A score of 7 and 8 is considered neutral, while anything below that is terrible.
Another metric you can measure is the customer effort score. It evaluates your business and how easy it is for an individual to accomplish a task. Whether contacting support, ordering an item, or paying for the product, you can measure the ease of process with CES. Rated on a scale of 1 to 7, you have extremely easy at 1 and extremely difficult at 7. The score of 3 and 4 is neutral, and anything below 3 is seen as easy. However, if someone scores 5 or above, you will take it as tricky.
CSAT, also known to many as customer satisfaction score, is a questionnaire that asks people how satisfied they are with a product or service. Professionals rate it on a scale of 1 to 5, with 3 being a neutral point. At 5, you are very satisfied, whereas 1 indicates extremely disappointed.
Building survey
Once you decide on the metric you will use in your survey, it is time to start building it. The questionnaire you create has a lot to do with the success of the survey. Most of the time, you will see people using Google Forms because of its accessibility and ease of use. Moreover, it is a totally free tool, which makes it a heart favorite.
Some of the different types of questions you can integrate into your business are open questions, singular-choice questions, and multipole-choice grids. People add some linear scale and checkboxes to their survey.
Record the responses appropriately and measure the results effectively. If you are unable to evaluate the scores effectively, you will do more harm than good.
Getting the survey form filled
The timing at which you ask individuals to complete the survey is key to getting more responses. Usually, it is sent after a particular point at which people interact with your company. Some businesses send it as soon as the interaction takes place with any of their customer service members. Then, there are instances when you send the satisfaction form to an individual after he or she makes a purchase.
Depending on the customer experience cycle and how he goes about your business, you can get the form filled at a particular time. Sending it immediately after a specific interaction increases the chance of people's participation.
Analyzing data
The responses you receive are recorded in a particular book. If you go with Google Forms, you get the answers in a spreadsheet. Once you have the data, it is essential to analyze it. Some of the questions you can ask when analyzing the data include:
At what point did the customer run into an issue?
The area or department where this issue came up
What was the cause behind that issue?
How can you ensure that this problem won’t persist in the future?
These are only a few basic questions that any business must ask after receiving a survey response. They help uncover details about the customer experience procedure and where problems persist.
Implementing solutions
Once you are aware of the problems, it is time for you to search for solutions and implement them. There is no point in all the efforts if you don’t address the problem. For most of the individuals, this process is all about the identification of an issue. While it certainly helps, it is useless if you solely identify the problem and leave it unaddressed. Therefore, don’t only focus on uncovering where the trouble lies. Instead, work hard to eliminate anything that hinders a good customer experience.
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