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Natural Sleep Supplements: Is It Worth Or Not?

Natural Sleep Supplements

Do you need an extra push to help you get a good night's sleep? Have you tried rest promoting supplements? While seeking assistance, you need to become health conscious. Some sleep supplements carry more risks than rewards as they aren't FDA-approved. Companies rarely claim that the supplements they provide treat a specific sleep condition. Some experts are swearing by a few sleep aids that increase the likelihood of achieving a good sleep, which we shall discuss below. They include 


It's a hormone the body produces naturally, which tells the brain it's time for rest. Melatonin levels rise in the evening and lower in the morning. Melatonin eases circadian rhythm disorders such as jet lag and delayed sleep phase disorders. It improves overall sleep quality in people suffering from sleep disorders. Companies sell the supplement as a sleeping aid as it reduces the time people need to fall asleep and increases the total amount of sleep time. They appear safe in the short run. However, nothing much can be said about its use in treating insomnia in the long term.


This product is often brewed as a tea to enhance relaxation and sleepiness. It's one of the most popular Natural Sleep supplements, easing anxiety symptoms. However, there seem to be minor risks linked to chamomile, such as interaction with warfarin, a blood-thinning medication. Mild allergic reactions are another risk. If you take chamomile regularly, be sure to inform your doctor.


This is another natural sleep supplement that has been used to treat anxiety, depression, menopause symptoms, as well as insomnia. Experts consider the herb safe as there are rare incidences of harmful side effects. However, pregnant women should stay clear of this supplement as its side effects on an unborn child are inconclusive. It's a good practice to avoid alcohol while taking valerian. A person taking valerian should not combine it with other medication or supplements for sleep.


Experts link the plant to having sleep-promoting effects. Its roots are traditionally prepared as tea. Kava is consumed as supplement as well. However, while drinking it, you need to know its side effects. It is associated with severe liver damage, primarily due to low-quality production. Other documented adverse side effects include dry, scaly skin and eye irritation. You should think twice before considering kava as a natural sleeping aid.

Seeking sleep aids needs to become your last resort. Why not try other far more effective ways, like good sleep practices and habits to enhance sleep, such as

  • Having a consistent bedtime and wake-up time
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine right before bed
  • Limit exposure by bringing lights and screens in the evening
  • Have light exercise during the day
  • Practice simple relaxation techniques


Sleeping comes naturally to others. However, it's a real struggle for some people. Don't sweat it. Before taking any form of medication, try on other sleeping techniques. If all this fails, seek medical alprofessionals' opinion from sleep experts for assistance. Self-medication can pose a high risk to one's general health. Take FDA-approved diet supplements and be on the safe side. In as much as a supplement may have the label natural, tread lightly as if it's worth risking your life on an over-the-counter drug without a prescription!
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