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8 Ways SEO Has Changed Over The Last Decade

Search Engine Optimization
Commoners, as well as internet experts, are aware of the fact that online or virtual platforms are somewhat dynamic. It takes little time for a new technical tool to become obsolete. Technical experts, software developers, and designers are always trying to come up with something new and advanced. These new tools will help the experts attain their end goals quickly and easily. The same is valid for Search Engine Optimization techniques. Only a combination of shady strategies ensured a place for a particular site on the SERP.

The expert used link-tweaking techniques, spamming, and back-end coding for the desired results. But these could have offered lasting results. Over the last ten years, substantial development has occurred in the technology and internet sectors. Here, you will attain detailed information on how SEO companies had to revise and make necessary alterations in their service-providing techniques.

  • 1. Importance of website content – Any written text, images, or videos were considered content during the early years of SEO development. The SEO agencies were more interested in stuffing keywords on the pages. But this was not the correct way to do things. Panda update eliminated the use of spam content for good. The update made it impossible for the fraudulent content creators to go scot-free by uploading trick content. But now, only worthy texts and images will get due credit only if they have been optimized carefully.
  • 2. Abolishing link schemes – The link scheme was another issue that has haunted Google algorithms for a long time. However, the restrictions highlighted under the link scheme were rather complicated and generalized. Thus, it encouraged the SEO experts to keep up with its use. Using spam links was a popular technique used by experts to provide inbound and outbound links. But these deceitful and unscientific ways will work no more. Penguin and Panda paved the path for proper link-building methods. Now, the system algorithm will reject any link-building strategies that do not conform to the Google Webmaster guidelines.
  • 3. Revamping local SEO techniques – The local SEO pack that experts use today differs from ten years ago. The layout has been completely changed and consists of several minor alterations. The Pigeon update launched by Google has paved the path for revamping local SEO techniques. The use of directory websites was also popularized in the course time. With directory submission, Google increases the ranking of secured portals. The changes in the local SEO packs have made local listing and identification possible via mobile phones.
  • 4. SERP changes – Each time Google launches a new update, it also changes the SERP layout. A look at the SERP layout, available in 2006 and recent ones, will not take much time to identify the changes and developments.
  • 5. Using Knowledge Graph – Before 2012, none of the SEO experts knew about Knowledge Graph. With the implementation of this algorithm change, Google offers a short version of the answer related to the keywords.
  • 6. Creating a scope for mobile optimization – The invention and development of smartphones happened recently. Before smartphones became so readily available, people used their desktops and laptops to search for things on the internet. As smartphones became popular, Google algorithms made it mandatory for websites to be accessible from mobile devices. A site that does not offer this facility will have low traffic and ranking.
  • 7. No more keyword stuffing – When SEO was in its infancy, content quality was insignificant. To ensure that the page came up on the SERP, content creators used to stuff in keywords unnecessarily. They turned a blind eye to 2% to 5% keyword density. Too many keywords only made the content unworthy. With updates like Panda, followed by Penguin, a ban was placed on keyword stuffing. With the launch of Hummingbird, Google installed algorithms that not only measured the keyword density but could also recognize the content creator's intention. Recently, Google only added value to the contents, which are readable and understandable by the algorithm.
  • 8. Moneymaking and quality restrictions – Even a few years back, there were no hard and fast guidelines that had to be followed by the website owners. But with time, Google clarified that it will only offer value if the content is deserved. With every update, the website owners took a massive hit. It forced the SEO experts to create materials that adhered to Google guidelines. Recently, Google launched Fred, another algorithm update that brought the ax down on affiliate marketers. Earlier, operating things and earning a massive amount was easy for affiliate marketers. From now on, it will no longer be a smooth walk for them.
It is safe to say that Google will come up with more updates. These will only make the search engine more responsive, providing appropriate search results. As the updates implement more restrictions, one can conclude that unworthy sites will find it hard to survive if they don’t change their website SEO management strategies.
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