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6 Natural Supplements To Improve Cognitive Function

In the pursuit of improving overall health and wellness, many individuals today are keen on taking ‘brain food,’ or natural supplements believed to strengthen one’s wit, intellectual capacity, and cognitive function, among the many. Over time, the brain’s function may decline as brought about by age and the risk of certain neurological diseases. While this can’t be stopped, there are things you can do and supplements you can take to protect brain health.

Cognitive function is the broad and all-encompassing term used to cover memory, problem-solving, attention, decision-making, and language skills. When taken as a whole, all memory and mental processes are needed by human beings to gather and process information. It's not surprising then how protecting and improving cognitive function is at the forefront of health efforts as one strives to achieve a better quality of life.

This is now within your reach with these six natural supplements that may potentially improve your brain’s cognitive function:

B Vitamins

Topping this list is the group of vitamins known as B vitamins. To be specific, Vitamins B6, B12, B19 or folic acid may all play a significant role in improving brain health. However, to be sure about what specific B vitamin best suits your health needs, it’s still your best recourse to seek medical and professional advice from your doctor. Take that to heart, along with reading more Alpha Brain facts and other brain supplement reviews.

For example, B19 or folic acid is prescribed only to pregnant women as it can help prevent birth defects. Besides pills, it’s also good practice to stick to a natural source of B vitamins like your green leafy vegetables.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Next on this list are omega-3 fatty acids. This is needed simply because the human body can’t naturally make this type of fat. Given how omega-3 fatty acids promise myriad benefits you shouldn’t miss out on, it’s definitely one you should consider taking.

For example, the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids may bring in the following benefits in connection to cognitive function and brain health in general:
  • It may improve memory.
  • It may help prevent the onset of dementia and depression.
  • It may lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  • It may increase brain reaction time.
There are many good sources of omega-3 fatty acids you may consider incorporating into your meals, but the best are fatty fish like herring, salmon, and trout. If you don’t fancy fish or you’re pregnant and can’t have high levels of mercury, other good sources include nuts, flaxseed, and soybean.


Magnesium is another natural supplement that earned its claim to fame for its association with good brain health. It’s best known for its ability to possibly help the nervous system function smoothly, along with a host of other positive health effects like keeping the heart rhythm healthy and supporting bone health and energy.

There are many magnesium supplements in pharmacies, so you’ll never be without choices. Pair that with food sources like nuts, fruits, and dark chocolates for optimum brain health.

Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba is a herb mostly of Asian descent, but it’s trendy even in Western cultures. In fact, many adults today are convinced about taking Gingko Biloba for cognitive health.

The most common daily use of Gingko Biloba is around 120 to 240mg. However, this number shouldn’t be construed as absolute, especially when you may also have other underlying health problems. Since this is quite a potent herb, consult a doctor knowledgeable on herbs or Eastern medicine.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is a good source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the two main types of omega-3 fatty acids. These two are linked to many health benefits, mainly brain function. Here’s why:
  • The brain needs DHA for it to be able to maintain its structure and function. This pertains to crucial functions of the brain like reaction time, thinking skills, and memory.
  • On the other hand, EPA has potent anti-inflammatory effects, which may shield the brain against premature ageing and damage.


Caffeine overdose isn’t a good idea. You’d be aware of this if you’re an avid coffee drinker. However, caffeine is also considered fuel for the brain when within its acceptable and healthy limits. It's a stimulant that can give you that kick of energy for the morning. This is achieved through blocking brain receptors for a chemical called adenosine.

Final Thoughts

Brain health is a big pharmaceutical and health and wellness business simply because people demand it. They want to have better brain health. No one wants to live an inferior quality of life simply because they’re left with no choice but to deal with neurological diseases. If you’re one of those who wants to improve your brain’s cognitive ability, the list above will come in handy. Seek medical advice from your trusted doctor so you can have the best advice on what supplement will be the best for you.

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