Here are a few basic suggestions to help you cook more sustainably from Whether you make three meals a day or not, chances are you spend some time in the kitchen. According to a study, most adults spend at least an hour a day in their kitchen, making it an ideal place to incorporate eco-friendly habits into your daily routine.
Cooking more sustainably does not need the purchase of new things or the acquisition of new skills. Is it all about spending on pricey equipment and supplies? No, it's about little changes in our habits. The kitchen is full of ways to reduce waste, from storing food to picking "ugly" fruits and vegetables. Isn't it true that food cooked in a thoughtful manner tastes better?
You can help your community by purchasing goods and services from local businesses
You're not alone if you've heard this before. The reason why is because it's a fact. The ecology benefits when people consume food that is grown and produced close to where they live. This reduces transportation, packaging, and overall resources. Thank your local farmers and small businesses as a consequence. Remember that food can be frozen, therefore don't hesitate to do it. As a result, you'll save money since you'll be able to keep your food fresher for longer at lower temperatures.
Here are a few of our go-to suggestions for freezing food
At least an hour before putting food in the freezer, let it cool down.
Is there enough room in the fridge? The big packages of frozen dinners are no longer an issue. To record the cooking instructions and expiration dates on the box, you may use your phone to take a note or even take a picture.
Your fruits and herbs may be preserved by putting them in an ice cube tray
Those leftovers are my favourite part of your cooking. We throw away or burn 73 billion pounds of food every year because of food waste (yikes). Food waste may be reduced by recycling leftovers into fresh and delicious meals. You may create rice pudding with whatever leftover rice you have. You could also prepare a pasta salad for lunch if you have any leftover spaghetti.
Think beyond the kitchen box. Here are some of our favourite recipes that make use of food that might otherwise go to waste. Banana bars that don't need to be baked. guacamole and avocado on a piece of bread. It's a blueberry and bubble gum smoothie. Tofu and Tofu Fried Rice Quinoa.
It's easy to prepare vegan Alfredo sauce with almonds thanks to almond milk. Variegated Veggie Nacho Pizza for the Vegetarian on the Go.
Buffalo Cauliflower Bites are created using cauliflower in this recipe. If you're lucky enough to have a dishwasher, put it to good use! As a general rule, dishwashing is less water-intensive than hand-washing. When you're finished, make sure your dishwasher is completely full before you start it. Disposable objects should be avoided in favour of those that can be reused or recycled. Cork cutting boards and bamboo spoons are some of our favourite cooking equipment.
What's the first question you need to ask yourself? If your dish calls for eggs or flour, Epicurious suggests warming it up beforehand. Then there's no need for you to keep waiting. Effort and waiting are reduced. There are no losers here! Use caution while flushing your toilets. When the faucet is not in use, it should be turned off. You should soak the plates and bowls before using them instead of using a hose to rinse them off.
Spending money on towels is a waste of time and money
It is better for the environment to use cloth towels rather than disposable ones. You may clean with vinegar and baking soda without risking your health.
You'll save money by not having to go to the store for these two common cleaning supplies, which are effective and don't contain any dangerous chemicals.
Natural helpers
It is possible to clean with vinegar in a number of ways: Vinegar and water may be used to clean windows, floors, and even grout. You may clean your microwave with vinegar and water. If you wait for the steam to form, it will be easy to remove the residue. Baking soda may be used for a variety of cleaning tasks. To eliminate mould, use baking soda and water. You may use it to clean all of your cooking utensils
Keeping food in your fridge fresh may be done by putting some in the freezer or even by sprinkling some in the garbage.
After sprinkling baking soda on a filthy stovetop for a few minutes, use a sponge to gently wipe it. The greatest approach to eat sustainably in your own house is to consume raw food.
Plastic contamination in our seas may be halted with your support. Maintaining a clean refrigerator is a priority at all times.
Environmentally, what may be gained from this monotonous task? At least in our experience, we're more likely to notice what's in our fridge when it's tidy. With less food going bad before it's time, we save money and reduce our environmental footprint.
Keep your food fresh by storing it in plastic-free containers
Reusable Mason jar lids, glass containers, reusable food wrappers, and reusable silicone zip-lock bags are all examples of environmentally beneficial food storage options. Always have a reusable bag on hand. Toaster ovens might be a useful addition to your kitchen.
If you don't have to use a standard oven, you may save a lot of energy by not doing so. Cook while the lid is on. Your kitchen time will be more efficient as a result of this advice. When possible, keep the fridge door closed. Let the enticement of food not get the better of you while determining what to eat at dinner time. Ask for "ugly" food. Many "ugly" veggies are thrown away despite the fact that they are perfectly edible. Take care of your plants since they are an expression of your personality. Even if you don't participate in Meatless Mondays, eating more veggies and less meat is a good way to demonstrate your concern for the environment.