Having a missing tooth can affect your confidence, especially during smiling. However, this can be solved by getting dentures to replace your missing teeth. Not only will you improve morale, but your jawbone will have enough time to restructure. Dentures are among the many procedures that help restore your smile while boosting your confidence. They are prosthetic teeth that replace your gum tissue or your missing teeth. If you are ready to get dentures, be sure to consider the best dentist in Clackamas.
At Do Good Dental, you will get the chance to choose either partial dentures or complete dentures. A partial denture replaces your missing teeth on your upper or lower jaw, while a full denture replaces your missing teeth on both the upper and lower jaw.
Understanding Why You Need Dentures
Dentures can be used even when your natural teeth are still intact. This is done when there is a need to cover a gap present in your teeth. However, dentures can be a bit uncomfortable when chewing as they tend to move around in your mouth. Also, it cannot be very reassuring for you when performing simple tasks like speaking. But this can be solved by having permanent dentures. Permanent dentures are also known as implant-supported dentures. You can check out this dentist on Freeburg to learn more about potential treatment plans
You do not have to worry about being uncomfortable when performing simple tasks such as speaking. With implant-supported dentures, you are guaranteed a specific set of teeth. Implant-supported dentures can be either removable or screw-in. Removable implant-supported dentures allow you to put in or remove the denture as you please. In contrast, screw-in implant-supported dentures have a permanent solution for you to attach implants through screws permanently. It is, therefore, possible for you to put on permanent dentures. Here is what you need to know about putting dentures permanently:
Permanent dentures are becoming more popular as they provide a permanent solution for you while preserving your teeth. Having a permanent denture takes about 3-6 weeks, requiring you to have several dental appointments to ensure that it is ideal for you as the patient. Procedures involved in having permanent dentures
There are different procedures done by your dentist when having dentures put in permanently. Among the methods are impressions, models, and cast. An impression will require your dentist to take impressions of your jaw, while a model procedure involves a dentist making a mould of wax similar to that of your jaw.
These procedures will require your dentist to carry out oral health assessments to ensure that your jawbone is strong enough to have permanent dentures put in. Before settling in on the final denture to put during a model procedure, a dentist can decide to put in implants. These implants help in determining the strength of your jawbone. It is important to note that such treatments guide a dentist in deciding whether your jawbone is fit for a permanent denture procedure.
As much as dentures can be put permanently, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with this procedure. The benefits of having a denture put in permanently are:
- Permanent dentures are less invasive when compared to implants. You do not have to worry about any discomfort. Permanent dentures are fitted in according to the shape of your jaw.
- Permanent dentures are comfortable to use when performing simple tasks like speaking or chewing.
- By having a permanent denture procedure, you are assured that it will last you for a very long time before any adjustment is made.
Permanent dentures are easy to maintain and clean.
Having a permanent denture ensures that your jaw bone is protected and that of your face structure. This is because permanent dentures allow bone resorption that helps maintain the original bone in place.
- Permanent dentures are pain-free. Unlike removable dentures that may cause pain when removed, permanent dentures ensure that you experience no pain. You do not have to worry about having an improper fit on a permanent denture.
- The only con associated with having a permanent denture is that it can be a bit costly. However, having an insurance plan or a suitable payment plan from your dentist can cater to the costs with so much ease.
In a situation where you have lost your natural teeth due to an accident or sports injury, permanent dentures are the best option. They provide a long-lasting solution as you preserve your facial structure and jawbone. However, you must have a qualified dentist carry out a permanent denture procedure. This is because a mistake made during the process can cause significant health risks and end up causing more problems. Therefore, have your permanent dentures fitted in by a professional dentist.