Are you a dedicated sportsperson attached to a local team? Perhaps you want to support your team with new equipment or uniforms? Alternatively, perhaps you’ve all made it to the next championship game but you need to raise money for the travel costs? Whatever your reasons, there are some great ways you can have fun with your team whilst fundraising, including organizing a shoe fundraiser.

Team Fundraising Ideas


10 Team Sport Fundraising Ideas

1- Sport-a-thon

Everyone loves a good sport-a-thon and with this one, you can literally choose anything you want that works for your community. It doesn’t matter whether it’s golf, football, tennis, basketball, netball because anything works. You simply set the rules in terms of timings and fees to participate and to support.

2- Auction around a sports theme

Actions are a great way to attract a wider group of people outside your sporting community. For instance, you can ask any local artists or art students to donate paintings involving sports. Another idea is to ask everyone to donate their old sports equipment that they no longer need. If people are honest then there’s bound to be good quality golf clubs and tennis rackets kicking around.

3- Sports Day

Chances are that you live near a school. Why not borrow their space and organize a sports day? You can have everything from athletics to gymnastics and team sports on the day. Spectators and participants alike can all pay a small fee for your cause.

4- Games Night

Again, you can either borrow your school or even your local community hall to set up a games night. Most people enjoy bingo and are quite willing to pay a small fee for a great cause. Alternatively, you could think bigger and hire out your bowling or local skating areas. Why not also ask them to do this for free for your local sporting cause?

5- Fitness Classes

If you’re fundraising for your sports team then another great idea is to leverage your team members. Everyone should be able to lead a fitness class for a small fee. If you time it well, such as before the summer holidays, then you’re bound to get high attendance. Everyone worries about their waistline just before swimming season.

6- Athlete Sponsorship

Do you have any local celebrities on your team? Why not ask for sponsorship for those particular players? People who donate to a cause generally respond better when they can see a real human behind it. This is because you’re appealing to their emotions which is much more powerful than a simple request for funds.

7- Rent out your team

Renting out your team could raise a few laughs as well as some money. Can you imagine what a strong sports team can do for people? Think about all those elderly people who can’t fix their shelves or lift their groceries?

8- League Competition

What about generating a bit of competition around national or international sporting games? You can ask people to bet for a small fee on a team and watch the games together, for instance.

9- Mixed championship

When it comes to sport, people usually enjoy watching mixed games. There’s always a bit of competition between men and women as well as the debate around strategy versus strengths. Why not build something around that concept?

10 - Shoe Fundraiser

Finally, if you’ve never heard of a shoe fundraiser then now’s the time to investigate. It’s such an easy way to raise funds and to help the global community whilst having fun at the same time. You’ll also be partnering with your friends and other volunteers on social media marketing and events management. In fact, it’s a great learning experience.

Support the global community

What’s a Shoe Fundraiser?

  • Donate shoes for money 
  • Support the global community
The basic concept of a shoe fundraiser is that you donate old shoes for money by working with a nonprofit. There are several companies out there who collect old shoes and donate them on your behalf to micro-entrepreneurs across the world.

These people are often located in places such as South America and Africa and the idea is to help them build a business. That way, they can develop independence rather than just relying on handouts.
Final Thoughts on Fundraising for Any Sport including A Shoe Fundraiser

Sports themes are great for fundraising and as you can see, there are many options to choose from. The main thing for you to do is to know and understand your audience and what might actually work for them. Don’t forget though that you can actually ask them to find out the best strategy for your fundraising. Either way, don’t forget the shoe fundraiser option as you’ll be doing so much more than raising funds for your sporting community. You’ll also be supporting the global community which is a great goal in itself.