The development of new technologies in medicine requires not only the work of the best minds, but also sufficient funding. To conduct researches with the aim of creating new medical devices, drugs, methods of treating diseases of different severity, a considerable amount of funds is required. In such cases, startups or young scientists appeal to various institutions that help to obtain funding or a grant.
A grant is a subsidy that can be provided to small and large businesses as well as individuals. Funding is provided to support scientific researches. The funds received can be used to continue existing researches or to start new ones. Anyone can apply for receiving Life Asapa grants, absolutely all ideas are considered, from which the most successful and useful for the world is selected.
The second way to get funds is to find investors. Any scientist or organization can find a sponsor who will provide some funds for research. Obtaining a grant or finding one investor is a rather difficult task, so you can consider another way – the Lifeasapa Foundation.
It was founded in 2013 in Seychelles. The idea of the Lifeasapa Foundation is to support scientists who offer their new ideas and developments in medicine field. The company helps to attract not just one investor, but invites anyone to participate in the financing of the project. Thus, startups do not have to look for a large amount of money in one place, they can get money thanks to the collected funds from organizations or individuals. Asapa cooperates with the largest advertising platforms, as well as video hosting, which post information on projects on their websites, attracting more and more investors.
Everyone who wants to make the world better and contribute to the development of medicine can get funds for this and the opportunity to convey their idea to the whole world. This is a very important point, because it is thanks to the work of scientists we achieved so good results in the development of the technological process. The development of the medical industry will help to learn how to cure any disease, as well as extend the human life cycle. It is necessary to strive for this, and today scientists like no one else need support, because technologies are our future.