Australia was ranked fourth worldwide in 2004 as the top consumer of beer per capita. An average Aussie beer drinker chugs down 110 litres annually. Lager is the most popular choice of beer for Aussies.
In fact, Aussies have their own list of local brands they consider authentic Australian beer. This shows their love for beer and their standards.
Since numerous studies have shown that wine has health benefits, many wonder if their beer bottle contains more than alcohol and empty calories.
The good news is that when moderately consumed, beer can benefit your health. Here are some facts you need to know to learn how beer benefits your health.
More Nutrients Than Other Alcoholic Drinks
Aside from wine, beer has something to brag about regarding nutrients. Beer contains the antioxidant
flavonoids that are abundant in hops and barley. Lager, considered by Aussies as one of their favourites among Australian beer, contains mostly hops and barley. Thus, it’s rich in antioxidants that effectively combat free radicals. Beer also contains high protein and B vitamins because of malt. It also contains fibre, iron, phosphates, and calcium.
May Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack
Moderate consumption of alcohol may reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Scientific researchers studied the relevant benefits of alcohol that can be associated with cardiovascular health, and they found that moderate consumption reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Helps Prevent Kidney Stones
Beer has long been associated with reducing the risk of kidney stone formation. It contains hops rich in phytochemicals, which benefit kidney health. Several studies further validate this claim, claiming that regular but moderate beer consumption reduces the risk of kidney stone formation by 41%.
Helps Fortify the Bones
Beer contains dietary silicon, which is beneficial to bones. The soluble form of dietary silicon, orthosilicic acid (OSA), is a vital substance that aids bone development and growth. It also minimizes the risk of developing osteoporosis, which is very common in older women.
May Improve Brain Function and Memory
Hops contain xanthohumol, a substance that can help improve our brain’s cognitive function, in all kinds of beer. It’s a type of flavonoid that protects our neurotransmitters from degradation. It also helps prevent oxidative damage to our brain cells and thus reduce the risk of dementia.
Helps Lower Bad Cholesterol
Beer contains soluble fibre that reduces bad cholesterol or LDL. Food and drinks are rich in soluble fibre and have many benefits, including normalizing blood sugar levels. However, alcohol can interfere with the body’s vitamin and mineral absorption. Thus, moderate consumption is still highly recommended.
Bottom Line
Beer has been enjoyed for thousands of years already. Consuming it every now and then in moderate quantities can provide some health benefits. However, alcohol dependence and binge drinking will ultimately lead you in the opposite direction. In that case, instead of enjoying its great benefits, you will be just risking your health.