With climate changes posing a threat to the environment, the talks on its conservation are gaining pace rapidly. The attention on eco-friendly building materials like hempcrete is growing as a way to fight against climate change.
The reason why hemp concrete is considered as a viable option to preserve the environment is it is carbon-negative. With the growth of the hemp plant, more carbon is taken out of the atmosphere than emitted out during its production and application.
Not only is hemp naturally derived, but the hemp-lime mixture also plays a pivotal role in controlling the temperature during all the weather conditions. This is the reason why hempcrete is the world’s leading eco-friendly building material.
Here, we’ll discuss how hemp concrete is ideal for cold weather.
Hempcrete Has Good Thermal Mass And Insulation Potential
Hempcrete or hemp-lime building material acts as a protective covering for your house. It stores heat in its walls and releases it slowly as the temperature drops. Thus, it acts as a temperature regulator.
During the cold days, you get a minimal amount of solar heat. The hempcrete walls will store that amount of heat and then release it slowly for hours. It stores heat from the internal heat sources in the same way.
For example, if you have a heater or an oven on, hemp walls will absorb and release the heat that leads to energy saving, helping the planet Earth.
Its U-value and R-value are what make it an ideal building material. The U-value measures how much heat can pass through it, while the R-value determines how well it can resist the heat flow.
Lower is the U-value, better will be the insulation. The U-value of hemp-lime ranges from 0.16-0.52 W/m K. This entails that the walls made of hemp concrete are the best insulating walls your house can have.
Further, more is the R-value, better is the material at resisting the heat flow. The R-value of hempcrete is 2.4 per inch as per 4:1:1 mix combination. Thus, it is an excellent heat flow resistant material.
This means that in-floor heating of the hemp concrete offers warmth to the house during those cold months of the year.
Hempcrete Can Regulate Moisture
Another great insulation feature that makes hemp concrete suitable for cold weather is that it regulates moisture. As it is a breathable material, it can absorb the excess
moisture, and release when the conditions require.
Even better, the buildings constructed with hemp concrete also absorb carbon from the atmosphere and lock it. This way, they make the structures more durable.
Hempcrete Plaster And Hemocrete Blocks
Imagine a cold room where the walls and floor are cold with no source of heating. If you are living in a region like Ireland where it is impossible to heat the living space, hempcrete plaster can be a lifesaver.
Whatever the possible amount of heat is there, hempcrete plaster will absorb it. It slowly releases that absorbed heat into the room, saving you from the chilly cold weather outside.
hempcrete blocks also offer excellent insulation during the cold weather. It reduces the carbon-negative impact, and the construction can be completed more quickly, even without the extended drying time.
Hempcrete Is A Non-Toxic Material
Hemp lime is mild, environmental-friendly, and doesn’t pose any risk to the health of those working with this material during the construction. Moreover, hemp doesn’t require any chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides to grow, causing less damage to the environment.
The best thing is that it won’t release toxins once placed in the walls and dried.
Find The Experienced Hempcrete Contractors For Your Construction Project
As hempcrete is a new building material, it can be difficult to find the contractors who are experienced in using hemp. The inexperienced contractors tend to use hempcrete the same way they use traditional building materials and encounter problems.
Thus, look for a contractor who has expertise in hempcrete construction projects.
As climate change and global warming are gaining momentum, sustainable building materials like hemp concrete are in demand. With its good insulation power and less carbon footprint, hemp helps protect the environment.