Dumpster Rental Marketing

Dumpster rentals mean that customers don’t have to worry about buying a dumpster that they’ll only temporarily need. Dumpster rental businesses enjoy rental fees on their dumpsters time and time again, allowing them to profit off of their dumpster purchases and possibly expand the business by buying more dumpsters.

However, to think that people will just go to Google and find your business when searching for a local dumpster or waste management business is illogical. With thousands of businesses and construction companies in every state, the competition is crazy!

In this article, we are going to highlight some of the most effective ways to grow your dumpster business by having a website and blog in place, while also using influencer marketing on social media.

Let’s get started!
  • Steps to Starting a Dumpster rental business
  • Write your Business Plan
  • Form a Business Entity
  • Select your Location
  • Apply for Business Licenses and Permits
  • Find Financing
  • Get your Marketing Plan in Place
  • Get Insurance
  • Hiring Employees

How to market your dumpster rental business

Buy a matching domain name

Once you have selected a name, see what domain names are available. Is there a domain name available that matches closely with the name of your company? This can really help prospective customers find your dumpster business online. Companies like Bin There Dump That are an amazing example of using the best.

Create an impressive business website

You need to have a website for your dumpster rental company. It doesn’t have to be flashy, but it does need to have some basic information about your company. Most importantly, your contact information needs to be highly visible on every single page. If your tech skills are limited, try starting with a website template or a drag-and-drop tool.

Optimize your website for every device

Is your website mobile-friendly? It’s easy to find out. Pull up your current website on your cell phone. Is the text easy to read? Are the buttons clickable? If not, it's worth it to spend some money updating your website. More and more consumers are using their smartphones to find local services. Don't miss out on these customers.

Take advantage of pay-per-click advertising

Your website won’t do you any good if no one sees it. You can use pay-per-click (PPC) ads to drive targeted traffic to your business website. Choosing the right local keywords can help you reach a much targeted audience. For example, you can reach people searching for “best dumpster rental” or “dumpster service near me”. If you’re successful, you can start generating new leads in a matter of hours.

Claim your spot in online directories

It’s more important than ever to have your roll-off dumpster company listed in the major online directories. If you don’t claim your local listings, prospective customers will struggle to find your business through the top search engines.

Build a strong portfolio of online reviews

Encourage your satisfied customers to write a review for your business. Positive reviews can really help take your business to the next level. Companies with high ratings tend to get the most visibility on these review websites. This extra visibility usually means more incoming calls and more traffic to your website.

How to Market Dumpster Rental Business on Social Media

Whether you serve a small town, large area, or national coverage, having a clear marketing strategy for dumpster rentals is imperative. On one side, you have dumpster rental paid search ads. On the other, you have the ability to acquire high intent leads through social media. The key to success for your dumpster rental internet marketing strategy is properly executing on your strategy. Too many times, I see dumpster rental companies try to save money and go with the lowest priced digital marketing agency. While your service fee might be lower, you’re actual COST is incredibly higher. By using a performance marketing approach, dumpster rental digital marketing can be executed at a killer return. 

It’s important you have a presence on social media, but most consumers aren’t engaging with a dumpster rental company on Instagram, let’s face it! But, your past consumers will gladly recommend you & is a huge source of positive feedback.

If you’re looking to spend money on social media ads, getting the right social media management company is crucial. Since you’re using this service as a lead generation source, you want to be sure they can execute. 

Once social media platforms were considered the exclusive domain of millennials, but times have changed. If your equipment rental business isn’t active on social media, it’s missing a valuable marketing opportunity.

Social media can help businesses connect with their customers and seem more approachable. Regular, interesting content attracts and engages followers. Profile and link out to your available equipment. Promote the testimonials of satisfied customers. Share articles your followers may find interesting. While construction industry articles are relevant, you could also link out to pieces about your local area to emphasize your connection to your city. Deals and discounts exclusive to your social media can also encourage business. Emojis, photos, and videos all add interest. Respond to comments to keep the conversation flowing.

With 2.2 billion active users at the end of March 2018, Facebook is the undisputed king of social media, so make sure your business has an account here. LinkedIn is also important as it’s a professional social network designed with businesses in mind. Social media accounts need activity, so only sign up for as many as you or your marketing team can manage.

Image Is Everything

In just seven seconds, a potential new customer has already formed an opinion about you and your business. The same holds true for dumpster and recycling brands. If you don’t impress at first, you’ll need to work twice as hard to turn things around. That means your business must put its best foot forward.

If you don’t have one already, implement a dress code and make sure all members of staff are up to standard. This is especially crucial for employees dealing with your customers face-to-face. Your equipment is one of your most important assets, so make sure it presents well too. Thorough and regular cleaning and maintenance will make people and businesses want to rent from you

Make Regular Blog Posts

With the rise of social media, you may wonder whether blogs are relevant any more. We can assure you, rumors of the death of blogging have been greatly exaggerated. Blogs are still a valuable way to connect with your customers and potential new ones.

People aren’t browsing Facebook or Instagram for answers to questions they might have. They want more in-depth information which your blog posts can provide. Put yourself in their shoes and create content that’s valuable to them. Make it unique, with your opinions and insights, so they can’t find articles like yours anywhere else online. Effective blogging will position your rental company as an industry expert and a business that customers can trust.

Promote your blog posts on social media to drive traffic back to your website. Add compelling, original pictures that encourage people to consider your rental equipment. Optimize all images with descriptive filenames, captions, and alt-text so that search engines can find them.

More blog posts are always better, with Forbes noting B2B companies that publish at least 16 blog posts each month get 3.5 more web traffic than their peers posting four or fewer posts. Frequently posting B2C companies get 4.5 more web traffic. This may be because search engines favor websites with new content and boost their rankings.

Follow Up With Past Customers

Studies show you’re up to 14 times more likely to sell something to an existing customer than a new one. Rather than concentrating all your efforts on attracting new business, stay plugged into your existing customer base.

If you haven’t heard from someone you’ve rented equipment to in the past, take the initiative and see why they haven’t used your business lately. Your friendly phone call might be all it takes to bring their business back to you. Alternatively, you might learn about aspects of your business that could use improving. This feedback could boost customer retention rates in future.

Marketing an equipment rental company and converting public interest into sales can be challenging, as your customers aren’t purchasing something that they can keep. However, with clever marketing and a focus on the follow-through, your equipment rental company can thrive.

For many of these businesses, locally based search engine optimization, or SEO, is a great way to get their brand in front of customers, especially for services that are necessarily geographically restricted. You can’t hire a plumber from California to fix your pipes in Indiana unless you’re willing to pay quite a bit in mileage. Rental industries, handymen, services – these sorts of businesses can thrive when they can get themselves in front of customers that are ready to buy. Since the services are seen similar to commodities a few good reviews is all it takes to get business.

Rather than slogging it out with every other business in the area over limited eye space on billboards and magazine ads, it’s better to focus on prospects that are already looking to buy. If someone is searching for a dumpster in Cleveland, chances are they aren’t just thinking about using one, they already have a direct purpose in mind. When a business like Dad’s Dumpsters gets to the top page of Google, all those extra leads start coming in with no additional investment needed beyond what it takes to stay on top

Getting the Best Marketing Results for Your Dumpster Business

Online marketing is important because it helps you sell your products or services. The bottom line of any business is to make money and marketing is an essential channel to reach that end goal.

Creatives explained that without marketing many businesses wouldn't exist because marketing is ultimately what drives sales. You must follow these strategies in order to grow your business effectively and efficiently.