India has top notch healthcare that can cater to the needs of any patient from any country with the best facilities and the most qualified doctors of the subcontinental region.
The revolutionary advances in
spinal surgery in India took place in the last 5 decades. Before the 80s, most of the spinal surgeries were restricted to the treatment of tuberculosis of the spine. The Indian spine surgery revolution took off in the mid 90s.
Today India, boasts of some of the best spine surgeons and and spine surgery training centres in the world. The Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI) took the
initiative to approve and verify training centres across India to train young surgeons locally and sometimes even send them abroad for training.
In the big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and so on, most spine surgeons enjoy modern theatres, high quality instruments and trained staff. Neuro-monitoring is increasingly used in deformity correction and minimally invasive surgery is getting popular and better. Spinal navigation systems, ultrasonic scalpels, microscopes and even robotics are available to the surgeon today.
Overview of what Spinal Decompression Surgery is?
Spinal cord decompression surgery is a broad umbrella which refers to various surgeries aimed at relieving signs and symptoms caused due to spinal nerve pressure or compression on the spinal cord and nerve roots. The following are aorthopaedic neurosurgical procedures which are available in India:
A procedure that removes part of the lamina of a vertebral arch in order to relieve pressure in the vertebral canal.
A procedure that removes the entire bony lamina and other minor parts of a vertebra to relieve pressure in the vertebral canal.
• Foraminotomy
Removal of the bone around the neural foramen which is the canal where nerve roots exit the spine, to relieve pressure.
• Corpectomy/ Vertebrectomy
Removal of all or part of the vertebral body, it is often performed with a form of discectomy.
• Discectomy
Surgical removal of whole or part of a bulging or degenerative intervertebral disc.
• Osteophyte removal
Removal of a bony spur or bony outgrowths that causes nerve compression.
Why is it done? What are the indications for Spinal Cord Decompression Surgery?
Spinal stenosis can happen in any part of the spine, from the cervical region (neck) to the lumbar region (lower back). Compression of the spinal cord is often due to pressure from the bony vertebra or cartilaginous intervertebral disc, in conditions such as
- Arthritis
- Enlarged joints
- Bulging discs
- Bone spurs
- Thickened ligaments
These are often found in patients of old age.
Sciatica and slip disc can lead to intense pressure on the underlying bone, leading to pain and weakness in the legs. Spinal cord decompression can relieve the pressure.
Spinal injuries that lead to inflammation and injury to the nervous tissue can affect the mobility of the body. Spinal cord decompression can relieve symptoms here as-well.
Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression occurs due to metastasis of malignant cancer from another focus of the body such as the lung and prostate. Pressure can be relieved in this case as well.
Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Cord Compression
- Severe Pain
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Weakness
- Unsteadiness
- Paralysis of limbs
- Loss of bladder and bowel control
How much does Spinal Decompression Surgery cost in India?
The prices can start from 4500$ and go unto 7000$ depending on the complexity of the surgery.
Some of the Best Hospitals in India performing Spinal Cord Decompression:
- Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugam, India
- Artemis Hospital, Gurugam, India
- Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai, India
- Indian Spinal Injuries Center, New Delhi, India
- Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India
- Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road, Chennai, India
- BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi, India
What is the success rate of Spinal Decompression surgery in India?
According to
ClinicSpots, the surgery is successful in relieving compression in 80-90% of patients; however surgery does not correct the underlying degeneration of the vertebrae due to wear and tear of ageing.
How is the decision made for the surgery?
The ideal candidate for Spinal cord decompression surgery is a patient
- with significant pain, weakness or numbness in your leg or foot
- with leg pain worse than back pain
- who has not improved with physical therapy or medication
- who has difficulty walking or standing affecting the quality of life
- shows stenosis in MRI, CT and/or a Myelogram
What happens before the surgery?
- A thorough history will be taken and pre-surgical tests will be performed to confirm the diagnosis, to check for any risk factors, to check for possible complications, allergies, etc
- Consent forms will be signed
- NSAIDs and blood thinners will be stopped one week before surgery
- Alcohol consumption, smoking and chewing tobacco should be stopped one week before since they can cause bleeding problems.
- Anaesthesiologist will meet you and explain to you the details about anaesthesia
What happens after the Surgery?
- The patient will be hospitalised for 4-5 days and monitored for complications.
- Pain medications will be prescribed.
- You may need help with daily activities (dressing, bathing) for the first few weeks.Fatigue is common. Let pain be your guide.
- Get up and walk 5-10 minutes every 3-4 hours. Gradually increase your walking time, as you are able.
- If you were given a brace, where it at all times unless you are sleeping or showering.
- It is advised to avoid activities that increase stress on your back.
- Avoid bending, lifting or twisting your back for the next 2 weeks
- Do not lift anything heavier than 5 pounds for 2 weeks after surgery
- No strenuous activity for the next 2 weeks
- Do not drive for 2 weeks
- Do not drink alcohol for 2 weeks
- Do not smoke, vape, chew tobacco
- Rehabilitation will be started. The type, length and intensity of rehabilitation will be based on the pre-existing condition and the type of surgery performed.
Common complications that can arise from Spinal cord decompression surgery are:
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Blood clots
- Nerve or tissue damage
- Allergic reaction to anaesthesia