If you make any purchases online using your credit card but also worry a lot about your identity if it is available to too many online shops and sellers, you may think a million times that using a PayPal account instead may help you avoid thieves online. PayPal is now the most used money service available right now online. With over 200 million users, it is dominating the financial service market.
This whooping number of users talks for PayPal, for sure. However, is the number of customers enough for PayPal to be the safest and best financial transaction maker? In this article, we will find out if PayPal is better and safer in the online payment system or if using a credit card is still good enough!
Credit card Vs. PayPal
PayPal is a new thing compared to Credit Cards, and plenty of people are still debating whether they should choose PayPal over their Credit Cards for online transactions.Using a Credit card
Credit cards are Chip-based cards often hacked by cyber thieves and hackers. You are at a potential risk when you put in your credit card information online, and you need to be more secure once you've entered your credit card number in an online shop to buy something. If the merchant you've hacked, you are doomed; the hackers can easily use your credit card number for their own interest without letting you know.It may sound terrifying, but you are still protected by Federal Law. You will be liable only for $50 of the charges, and you are also getting protection services and protocols from the credit card issuer bank. Yet with the same security features, PayPal is also moving at the same pace, bringing you a safe and extra-secure money service.
Benefits of using PayPal
When Credit cards are a great threat to your wallet and security, PayPal has proven itself to be the most secure online payment system available right now. Many cybersecurity specialists also support that claim.PayPal has been paying hackers to find vulnerabilities in its system, and it has made sure your data is completely safe with the highest possible encryption. All the data PayPal has on you is stored in a secure location where there is no access to the Internet. So you don’t really have to think about the PayPal problem solution anymore when talking about don't.
How to stay safe
Although PayPal is the most secure online payment system, that doesn't mean you cannot become a victim of fraud or cybercriminals. Here are some doesn'ttips you may want to have a look at if you are trying to make your activities online safer:Treat your PayPal account the way you treat your bank account
Being a financial service provider, PayPal is just like any banking service you have in your life, and when it comes to security, you must treat your PayPal account the way you treat it. You must review your transaction and other account activities at least once a month to ensure there is no third person doing any transactions and that you are all safe and secure. When your monthly statements are ready, with the statement in your hand, PayPal will notify you to make sure you cross-match all the transactions and that nothing happens behind your back.