Want to ring in the new year with a clean and organized kitchen? Read these tips! You can use 7 kitchen organization tactics in the upcoming year.

Organizing the kitchen gets tricky. There's so much to organize when you’re cooking up a storm (and even when you’re not)!

With items in all different shapes and sizes, it definitely takes some skills to conquer it all.

But never fear, we have some tips. The seven kitchen organization tactics outlined in this article will simplify your life.

No longer will you have to spend your days trying to find an extra set of measuring cups!

Check out some of the best kitchen ideas to get organized for 2024 and beyond.

1. Store Items by Frequency of Use

If you use your toaster daily, don’t put it in a hard-to-reach spot. Store it somewhere you can actually reach it!

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people fail to do this. Organizing your kitchen items according to how frequently you use them will significantly improve your life.

Everyday dishes should be on lower shelves that are easy to reach. Occasionally used dishware, such as serving platters, should be on the top shelves.

If you use some dishes or appliances more often than you thought you would, just move them down a shelf or two.

It’s easier to do that than getting the step stool out all the time!

2. Set Up a Cooking Zone

Create a cooking zone around the stove. Store pots, pans, and other cooking supplies as close to the range as possible.

Wherever you cook the most, select that area as your primary cooking zone.

To reach utensils easily, add a bar above the stovetop. A hanging metal ledge would work well for smaller utensils. 

Putting them in a drawer close to your cooking zone also works. That way, everything will be within reach.

3. Go Through Your Plastic Containers

It’s easy for plastic containers to build up in your cabinets and drawers. Before you know it, you could find yourself buried in a pile of Tupperware.

Do yourself a favor and toss any that have cracks or no longer seal.

Stack the remaining ones after you remove containers that were taking up space. Organize them by size to keep them neat.

As for the lids, place them in a basket with some dividers.

Another thing is that glass is a better alternative to plastic. Work on replacing your plastic containers in 2024.

4. Clean Up the Fridge

Even though everyone dreads cleaning the fridge (especially if there’s a bunch of stuff in there!), you should do it regularly.

Make a habit of tossing leftovers if you don’t eat them within a few days. You should also stay on top of milk, juice, and other liquids.

Note their expiration dates so you know when to toss them. Write the date on the side of the container with a permanent marker. You can also make a list and keep it in your kitchen.

Check your condiments every month or so. They take up a lot of space, so you’ll do yourself a massive favor by throwing away the expired ones.

Also, look for any unopened doubles. If you find extra condiments that aren’t open, take them out of the fridge and store them somewhere else in your kitchen so you can use them later.

5. Have a Tray for Countertop Clutter

Want to get rid of the clutter on top of your countertop once and for all?

It’s not hard!

Place a tray on your counter or kitchen island. You can use it as a catch-all for the clutter that accumulates around the room.

Then, you can take the tray and return everything to its proper home.

The more often you return things, the less time you’ll spend doing it. A few minutes per day during the week can save you hours of cleaning on the weekend.

6. Keep Your Coffee Station Tidy

Keeping a coffee maker on your countertop makes for convenient mornings. But you have to strive to keep your coffee station clean.

If you’re not careful, your station can become overwhelmed by coffee pods, sugar, and dirty spoons. That doesn’t make your kitchen look very nice!

Instead of having random supplies on the counter, tidy up the area.

Get a clear plastic tray to store sweeteners, stirring spoons, and coffee pods. You should also put a few coffee mugs nearby for easy access. 

Then, it’ll be easy to grab whatever you need without having a disorganized mess on the counter.

Get a Chest for Any Room in the Home

7. Group Food by Category

Doesn't having misplaced food get frustrating? If you’re heading out for a workout and can’t find the granola bars that can drive you bonkers.

That’s why you should organize your food. It’ll cut down the time it takes you to prepare meals, you’ll lose less food to expiration, and you’ll always be able to find things when you need them.

I recommend organizing your food into categories:

  • The cereal goes in one spot; canned goods go in another, etc.
  • Doing this will make it easier to locate items.
  • Organize your pantry shelves with grouped items. Trust me, your pantry will be much more appealing to the eye.
  • You don’t want guests opening a cupboard and gasping when they see a giant, disorganized mess!
  • You now know a few kitchen organization tactics. That means it’s time to ready the troops and assemble everything.
  • Soon enough, you’ll have an organized kitchen in time for the new year!

As for your organizational goals, don’t abandon them as the new year progresses.

Instead, continue to wow yourself with your impressive apartment organization skills. You’re doing a great job!