If you have a big meeting coming up or if you know that you are going to have to step out of your comfort zone for any reason at all, then you will know how nerve-racking this can be. You may feel as though nothing you say or do is going to go well and that you also experience a great deal of anxiety too.

Learn how to Relax

Pre-Performance Nerves
It’s so important that you relax ahead of your performance. Even Olympic gymnasts stress the importance of being able to unwind before you go out there and this is because it helps you to handle any pre-performance jitters that you have. Put together a music playlist, learn yoga or do anything else that might help you on the big day. If you want to help yourself even more, why not try marijuana? You might even find the right marijuana strain for treating stress and anxiety.

Be Prepared

You are far less likely to freeze up on the spot if you are able to prepare yourself. Rehearse as much as you possibly can. It doesn’t matter whether you do it alone or in front of other people because if you do this at every opportunity then you will soon find that you become much more relaxed and that you are also ready for whatever gets thrown at you. If you want to help yourself then you might also want to psych yourself up, instead of dwelling on everything that could go wrong. Give yourself a pep talk and remind yourself that you are in complete control of every aspect of your situation.

Don’t Be Afraid of Nerves

When those nervous jitters hit you, don’t be afraid of them. Remind yourself that it is completely normal for you to feel the way that you do and even try and use it to your advantage. When you do you will soon find that you feel much more in control of your situation and that you are also able to deal with the pressure much better.

Talk it Out

If you are nervous or concerned about something, then make sure that you talk it out with a family member or even a friend. When you do, you can then express your fears and worries without having to deal with everything yourself. A lot of people don’t like to talk with other people about the things that they are nervous about because they worry that it makes them look bad or even that they’ll be ridiculed for it. This is something that you need to move past because nobody is going to tell you that you are being silly because at the end of the day, you know deep down that your fears are completely justified.

So, there are plenty of ways that you can deal with your nerves and when you take control them you will soon find that you are able to feel better about yourself as a result.