Looking after your car's tyres makes a great deal of sense for two reasons. To begin with, if you are maintaining them properly, then they will last much longer as a result of doing so. This means that you will spend less on your motoring than you would otherwise need to. Of course, saving money is a big concern for nearly everyone who owns a car and drives it regularly. In addition to lowering your expenditure, driving with tyres that have been cared for properly means that you – and your passengers – will be safer when you are out and about. Cars which have poorly maintained tyres are more likely to spin, brake inadequately and suffer from blowouts. So, if you want to save money and – potentially, at least – your life, what are the sort of tyre care tips that will help you?
Check Your Tyre Pressure
Checking your tyre pressure is something that you should not underestimate the importance of. Firstly, when you are driving on a tyre that is flat, it could lead to a fine. However, even partially deflated tyres will cost you money. This is because without the correct level of pressure, your tyre will spread out on the road. In turn, this means that your engine needs to work that bit harder to keep your wheels turning. As a result of the increased rolling resistance that flatter tyres generate, you end up needing to refuel more often, something that will hit you in your pocket! Of course, flat tyres also have an implication for your ability to control your car properly. When you corner, a flatter tyre will slew out to the side. This can mean you are more likely to lose control and spin. Swerving at late notice to avoid a hazard on the road also becomes harder with tyres that are insufficiently inflated.
Confirm Your Tread Depth
Like driving on a flat tyre, continuing to travel when your tyres' tread depth has got below the legal minimum means you can face the prospect of a sizeable fine if you are caught. What may be even worse is that you might skid when you try to brake on a tyre that has insufficient tread depth – even if it is not yet completely bald. If you hit a pedestrian or another road user with illegal tyres, then you could face prosecution or even imprisonment in the worst cases. However, checking your tread depth is easy, thereby allowing you to identify the right time to have your ageing tyres exchanged for new ones. Simply place a twenty pence coin into the tread of your tyres. If you can still see the rim of the coin sticking out, then it means you don't have enough depth in your tyres' tread to continue driving on them. On the other hand, if the rim goes into the tread, then you have enough depth to remain safe. However, you need to check all the way around your tyres in several places to make sure they are still street legal. Sufficient tread depth in one location does not mean that they have not worn down more elsewhere, after all!
Avoid Over-Inflation
Some people like to pump their tyres up hard so that they don't need to keep reinflating them. However, too much pressure in your car's tyres is just as bad as driving on with them in an under-inflated state. This is because over-inflated tyres will bow out to an extent, a bit like a balloon which has been pumped up so much that it is almost ready to pop. This means you can suffer from a blowout if you hit a sharp object in the road or even something like a pothole or a speed ramp. In addition, over-inflated tyres do not make good contact with the road. Just a proportion of the tyre will grip the tarmac so you get less traction even if it is not wet or icy. This can lead to a loss of control, of course. However, it also means you wear down just one part of the tyre more rapidly meaning you will end up requiring a new one sooner than you would had you maintained it at the correct level of pressure.
Have Small Faults Repaired
All tyres pick up little bits of damage as you drive around. Sharp stones and twigs can rip sections of rubber and you may even find that a shard of glass works its way into your tread from time to time. Some motorists continue to drive on with minor damage to their car's tyres thinking that if they turn up to their local tyre dealership that it will always lead to a lot of outlay on new tyres. Although major damage may mean you do need to change your tyres for new ones, small faults and tears can often be repaired. However, leaving it will mean that the problem gets worse and, in turn, this could mean that a repair becomes impossible. Don't pull out nails or screws that have become lodged in your tyres yourself. Instead, head to an expert and see what can be done to repair your affected tyre or tyres for you. In case they recommend replacing your tyres then do not delay it. Go to a credible tyre dealer and get them replaced asap. Elite Tyres provides a wide variety of tyres in Chingford under one roof. You can visit your nearest branch today and get a good bargain.
Adjust Your Driving Style
Many people push down on the accelerator hard to catch up with the car in front. This means wheel spins will occur, especially in greasy road conditions, which can wear your tread down prematurely. In addition, driving in this way will inevitably mean that you have to brake when you get to the traffic ahead of you. However, by pulling away gently and easing off the accelerator rather than braking, the life of your tyres will be preserved. The results of just sitting back a little and driving in a more relaxed way can be dramatic in terms of maintaining the condition of your tyres. What's more, keeping a gap between your car and the vehicle in front will also mean that it becomes easier to spot any hazards there are on the road so you can drive around them without causing more damage to your tyres. Undoubtedly, tyres are an integral part of your car but maintaining the overall health of your car is important too so that it can a better longevity.
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