Node JS is one of the best backend runtimes for real-time web apps. The concept of real-time web apps is web sockets based. And Node JS is one such popular platform that supports socket programming and processes data simultaneously. Why is it lucrative to hire a Node.JS Development Company for real-time web apps? Well, Node JS has several advantages. It is fast, scalable, offers event-based architecture, takes a modular approach to building codebases, and allows asynchronous JavaScript to run on the backend. All these advantages make Node JS one of the popular choices for real-time web app development.

What is the real-time web app?

Real-time web apps can be defined with several examples as listed below:  
  • The receiver is able to see when the sender, on the other hand, starts typing a text on communication platforms
  • Live gaming with multiple users over the internet
  • Users are able to see real-time updates on social media, like when someone likes their profile pictures, commenting, posting status, and all
  •  Real-time web apps basically render fresh content every second without the page getting reloaded
  • Instant messaging apps
  • Instant video chatting apps
  • Apps like YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook

Advantages of Node JS

· The event-driven architecture: Node JS is an event-driven asynchronous and non-blocking architecture that processes client request asynchronously. As soon as the single thread shifts to the first request, it gets transferred to the second request if the first request fails to give a response instantly. Then the thread returns to the first request when it is time to process the response. An asynchronous data streaming doesn’t leave scope for buffering; hence, Node JS is suitable for real-time apps. If you choose to Hire Node.JS Developers in India, they will likely take advantage of this architecture to build your app.

·  Data streaming over HTTPS: The traditional data processing involves a client sending a request and the server returning a response. This method mostly takes time to process data. With Node JS, however, data streaming is made instant. As Node JS has an event-driven asynchronous architecture, the data streaming happens almost instantly. Hence, Node is suitable for real-time audio or video rendering apps.

· JavaScript as a programming language: Node JS enables coders to write programs in JavaScript. And JavaScript facilitates all asynchronous functions, data loading, and page loading. JavaScript allows API communications with the help of JSON or XML and processes data without reloading the page (with the use of AJAX).

· Rich ecosystem: Node JS comes with Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage third-party packages, libraries, and frameworks. The NPM website hosts numerous applicable packages, and this rich ecosystem of Node help programmers introduce third-party packages to their Node projects and enhance feature sets at the end.


Real-time web apps are the future, as no one likes waiting for real-time updates. And with Node JS, the data exchange over the internet has been made extremely fast. Users are not required to wait long as Node JS processes the data almost instantly. Hence, Node JS is one of the most popular real-time web app development platforms.