sweet wedding vows for her

We show you the steps you need to know to write sweet wedding vows to your future husband. Click here to make the process simple and fun.

Your wedding vows are arguably the most important piece of writing you’ll experience in your life. Your sweet wedding vows need to be inspired, they need to be romantic, and they need to sound great in front of your friends and family.

It can be a stressful situation, but with our help you’ll have fun and express exactly how loved your future husband is.

Step 1: Balance

Talk to your future husband before putting pen to paper. Although you want the most beautiful wedding vows anyone has ever heard, you also don’t want to outshine your one-and-only. Or, even worse, have your wedding vow speech pale in comparison.

Sweet wedding vows for him aren’t necessarily sweet wedding vows for her. Have a discussion about style and duration so that you’re both comfortable and on the same page about expectations.

Step 2: Get In The Mood

Writing your wedding vows with distractions rarely works out well.

If you’re writing with music, make sure that it’s instrumental so you don’t wind up singing along and losing focus.

Find a private, quiet place with no one around. As an alternative, go to a place that reminds you of him. Perhaps a park you held hands in during that first stroll together when you started dating, or maybe that coffee shop you first started getting to know each other. You could even sit at your wedding venue like Cheswick House & Gardens envisioning your big day.

Set the mood with some candles. You don’t want it to be too dark, otherwise you’ll have trouble seeing and writing. You also don’t want it to be too bright, otherwise it’ll feel clinical.

Pour yourself a glass of your favorite chardonnay from The Cocktail Service and get your emotions in the right headspace. Don’t overdo it though, you may feel like you’re more creative or prolific after a few drinks. But, when you re-read your sweet wedding vows afterwards you’ll discover just how wrong you are.

If you set the tone properly, you’re heart will be in it and you’ll end up with perfectly sweet wedding vows.

Step 3: Start With A Plan

You may know exactly what you want to say, but not sure how to write your vows in a manner that will hit home with your husband and your audience. You may know how you feel, but absolutely lost when it comes to figuring out how to say it.

The solution? Start with a list. List everything you love about your future husband, and list all of your hopes and dreams for the future. These can be simple, litteral items. They can also be emotional, abstract items.

If you’re planning to toss a little humor into your vows make sure to include some cute anecdotes on your lists.

Step 4: Put It All Together

The most logical and easy-to-follow order is chronological. Talk about how you met, how you fell in love, how you’ll grow old together, and how much you love him now and always.

Don’t use your laptop for this process. Use ink and some nice stationery from Armorial Paris. This small tip will force you to focus and be more introspective with your words.

Step 5: Practice Makes Perfect

Once you’ve completed your first draft, test it out loud. Do this in front of the mirror, and then in front of members of your bridal party. Sometimes words seem perfect on paper, but don’t quite roll of the tongue properly. Your friends’ and own self critique will discover the small adjustments you need to make.
  • neral structure is a recipe for success. But, too much help is better than not enough. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind through your writing process.
  • Leave yourself more time than you think you’ll need. Avoid a “last minute” rush job.
  • Don’t shy away from the negative aspects of your relationship. Enduring struggles and resolving love are always part of great romances.
  • Make specific promises, and make sure that you can follow through with those promises.
  • Don’t worry about sounding cheesy, now is the time!
Follow our advice and you’re sure to create sweet wedding vows that you can be proud of. Perfection doesn’t come easy, but preparation and inspiration will get you there!