Hormones function as the chemical messengers in our body. These are produced in the endocrine glands, travel through our bloodstream, and control the functioning of tissues and organs. A hormonal imbalance in the body indicates health troubles like weight gain, allergies, mood disorders, anxiety, depression, PMS, hair loss, urinary tract infections among women, and fatigue. This hormonal variance among women occurs naturally during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause. Some other causes can be diabetes, PCOS, hyperthyroidism, cancer treatments, medications, etc.
Here are a few natural ways to maintain the hormonal balance in your body.
1. Consume Enough Healthy Fats
TFats and cholesterol help form hormones in our body. Hence, the lack of these imbalances in hormone production. It is also imperative to consume Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids equally to keep the balance and help our hormone synthesis. The problem arises when we need to get enough Omega-3s and saturated fats. Some choices of healthy fats to maintain stability are:
Avocados - These are rich in monounsaturated fats. You can add some in salads or smoothies for creaminess.
Olive Oil - It promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
Nuts and Seeds - Walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds are rich in plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids. Enjoy the seeds or nuts with your bowl of oatmeal.
Eggs - Eggs in whole are a great source of healthy fats. Include them in breakfast or use them as a snacking alternative.
2. Cut Down on Caffeine
Coffee is an energy-boosting drink for some of us. But unfortunately, too much of it can harm the endocrine system. Studies show that caffeine can cause overproduction of adrenal gland hormones. Such stimulants can affect adversely when there are other hormone stressors causing imbalances like during pregnancy, toxins presence, depression, or tension. Instead, substitute with healthier beverages like herbal teas or green tea. Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), antioxidants with several health benefits. Additionally, conditions like obesity and diabetes, which make people insulin-resistant, can benefit from green tea, as it lowers insulin levels.
3. Choose the Right Supplements
Supplements can assist the body in maintaining hormonal balance. For example, if you are looking to treat low testosterone levels, testosterone enanthate can serve the purpose for you. Some other good sources to rely on are:
Magnesium- A study indicates magnesium deficiency in postmenopausal women can lead to heart rhythm changes, impair glucose tolerance, and decrease serum cholesterol. Women need a higher magnesium intake. Ideally, the suggested amount is 320 milligrams per day for women.
Vitamin D - Vitamin D supplements can help regulate insulin and thyroid hormone.
Vitamin B6 - This helps alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Approximately 100 milligrams every day can help fight off the signs relating to mood and emotions.
Vitamin E - Another significant supplement necessary for menopausal women is Vitamin E. It can help alleviate common symptoms like insomnia, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. It has natural antioxidant properties, which help reduce stress.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Prioritize your sleep. Inadequate sleep is also one reason for hormone imbalance. Our body goes through a lot the entire day. To recover from the stress, we need sufficient sleep. While doing so, our body removes toxins, recharges brain cells, and creates necessary hormones. There are ways you can improve your sleep. Drink enough water, avoid artificial light, take a soothing bath, and grab a high-protein snack a few hours before bed.
5. Exercise Regularly
Exercising is another method of improving sleep. It can be cardio, running, walking, swimming, or yoga. The correct form of exercise depends on your body's needs and physical strength. Exercising also helps in maintaining insulin levels in our body. It further allows the use of sugar and amino acids from the bloodstream for energy and building muscles. A half-hour of vigorous exercise three times a week can help you develop a healthy body and positively impact your hormones.
6. Manage your Stress
Managing stress levels is beneficial for overall health. Women's emotional response to stress differs from men's. It can result in reduced sex drive, irregular periods, hair loss, acne, indigestion, weight gain, and decreased fertility. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, perimenopause, or menstruation can cause fungal infections and other skin problems, such as boils or large pimples in your butt, thighs, underarms, wrinkles, and thinning skin. If you are curious, look at buttocks pictures and confirm with your doctor the underlying causes. Studies support that woman who regularly meditates or performs yoga saw changes in hormonal swings.
7. Think of Adding Herbs
Herbs and plants, especially adaptogen herbs, can naturally help balance hormones. These allow the body to handle stress and maintain the adrenals. Women who are on medications should consider including these in their diet. You can also use chaste tree berries to support pituitary glands, lower prolactin, and increase progesterone. For women, in certain conditions, this can help improve symptoms. Also, red raspberry leaf, a fertility herb, is high in calcium and can help reduce PMS and cramping.
8. Avoid Harmful Chemicals
There are harmful chemicals in and around us in several things. The products we use daily or the place where we live contain disturbing chemicals that hinder our body's capability of producing naturally. For instance, plastics, pesticides, household cleaners, and body care products have toxins that deter hormone production. Use natural alternatives like essential oil, coconut oil, and castor oil for the body, and avoid storing foods in plastic. Improve the air quality indoors with plants and explore some natural options for cleaning.
9. High Fiber and Protein Diet
To maintain a hormone-balancing diet, use a high-fiber diet and include protein in every meal. Fiber can increase insulin sensitivity and encourage the production of hormones.
Additionally, proteins are excellent sources of amino acids; therefore, their consumption in every meal will help maintain overall health. Soluble fiber and protein both affect appetite and control hunger.
To conclude, to maintain a balance and even functioning of all the hormonal glands, you will have to change your lifestyle and diet. Improve your digestive health and eliminate sources leading to the imbalance.