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Mitigating Against DDoS Attacks: Lessons To Be Learned

Mitigating Against DDoS Attacks

DDoS is constantly evolving and becoming a significant problem for affected persons and their servers. With DDoS being one of the threats corporations are faced with, it is essential to consider some mitigation strategies that can be put in place to prevent further breaches and attacks.

In light of recent trends and attacks, some ServerMania DDoS Mitigation strategies can be adopted to improve overall security.

Get Always-on Scalable Mitigation

DDoS attacks can cripple companies, thus leading to the loss of several millions of dollars. DDoS attacks are primarily unplanned and may become full-blown in a short time frame. However, similar to all other protection strategies, securing yourself from such attacks is a great way to begin. What better way to do this than to have an always-on, scalable mitigation strategy to react and rebuff the attacks. Having such strategies in place can save you millions of dollars thatmay otherwise be lost in tttacks. In addition, you will also spend a lot less on putting this mitigation strategy in place compared to dealing with the attack.

This lesson comes after the most significant and worst DDoS attack, Memcahed, surprisingly recording the highest count in terms of throughput. According to reports, the Memcached attack surpassed 1 Tbps using a new, previously unused attack vector.

With the recent wave of attacks, it is advisable to always prepare for the unexpected by always beefing up security measures.

Put strategies in place today to prevent tomorrow’s threats and attacks

While prevention is a great way to keep your business from cyberattacks, a great way to ensure that preventative measures can hold up to the attacks is to ensure that you are adequately prepared for tomorrow’s attacks today. Foresight and adequate preparedness can improve a business’ response to attacks when they are launched.

During the February 2018 Memcached attacks, about 50,000 unsecured Memcached installations on the internet were deployed as DDoS reflectors. With the element of surprise in full play, the potential for gross damages was high and forced up the number of protected servers, thus reducing the number of unprotected servers.

To better improve the chances of mitigating against DDoS attacks, it is recommended that companies put in place strategies that are tailored toward forestalling possible attacks.

Get fast mitigations

In the event of attacks, a great way to minimize damages and the extent of damage is to ensure a fast response in place that can adequately protect servers and infrastructures.

The digital Godzilla, Mirai, was reported to have increased the frequency of massive attacks because it can quickly propagate to compromised IoT devices. The Mirai attack also introduced new techniques known as pulse wave attacks, which produced massive spikes in the target, but this attack lasted only a few minutes. The attacks, however, tested the traditional scrubbing center solutions that divert traffic.

Contain Outbound Attacks

An old problem was brought to light by the Mirai attack: outbound attacks originating from within the network. The Mirai botnet is characterized by rapid propagation, which causes an increased spread of the attack, thus infecting many devices. With this problem in place, when DDoS attacks are launched, not only are the target victims threatened, but so also is the source of their network infrastructure where the compromised IoT resides. To avoid such extensive large-scale damages, businesses should ensure that their DDoS mitigation strategy incorporates solutions to this problem while eliminating internal and external threats.

Catch even the slightest attacks.

The key to protecting your infrastructure and company is to ensure that all attacks, no matter how small, are not left to fester. A great mitigation strategy to adopt is to ensure that you put in place holistic and all-encompassing strategies, thus allowing the detection of even the slightest attacks.

Allowing small attacks to go under the radar may lead to more significant problems and large-scale losses. If you are an enterprise or CSP, pay full attention to small attack detection and mitigation strategies.

Go Farther in depth.

A new hacker’s evasion technique was published in May of 2018. The method, according to the report, allows enabling reflective amplified floods to bypass traditional DDoS mitigation strategies that have been put in place. To ensure that such bypasses as this are prevented, ensure that adequate and in-depth protection strategies are set in place.

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