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Canada has been the hub for immigrants since the 16th century. To date, it welcomes immigrants from various corners of the world. The 2012 statistics show that approximately 129,595 individuals came from Asia and the Pacific, culminating in the most significant number of immigrants to Canada.

Roughly 9,967 refugees moved to the country from Africa and the Middle East, about 1,945 from Central and South America, and 5,539 from Europe to Canada.

Considering this large number of people who migrate from various countries around the globe, here is a guide for Canadian Immigration:

The changing face of Canadian immigration

In 2006, the Canadian government decided to shape the country's immigration policy to support its economy. Consequently, the state is now open to immigration for skilled and experienced individuals to add to the country's economy.

Citizenship and Immigration (CIC) highlights that the shift in immigration policy is fully observed. The immigration policies, therefore, focus on increasing the admission to the economic class immigrants. Those who can add to the labor market needs can also apply. Due to this, 60% of the permanent resident visas were handed over to economic immigrants.

Getting admission into Canada

There are two main entry passages into Canada: obtaining a permanent residence visa or a temporary work permit. Although both terms are self-explanatory, some elaboration is critical.

A permanent residence visa gives you rights and obligations similar to those of Canadian citizens. You can live in the country for as long as you want, if you accumulate two residency years every five years.

After three years of residency in Canada, you can apply for citizenship. It is essential to understand the difference between permanent residence and citizenship. Firstly, you cannot vote in the elections if you live in the country on a permanent residence visa. Secondly, as a lifelong resident, you may be deported from the country if involved in a serious crime.

  • The temporary work permit allows you entry into Canada based on what you can contribute to the economy.

More on immigration to Canada

According to Canadian laws, there are three main categories of immigrants: the refugee class, the economic class, and the refugee class. As mentioned above, immigration policy has been prioritizing the economic level lately.

You can also relocate to Canada if a citizen or permanent resident sponsors you as a family member. Canada also warmly admits refugees who may want to move to a new home due to the political circumstances in their country.

In 2016 alone, 156,000 new economic migrants got admission to Canada. You can also go to the country if you are a student. You don't need to avail yourself of a study permit if your course program lasts for six months. You must get a study permit if the program continues for more than six months.

To be eligible for study in Canada, you must be enrolled in a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in the country. Besides, a spouse of a person who holds a study permit can also apply for an open work permit. According to this permit, not only does the individual get admission into Canada, but he can also work there for an employer.

Bottom line

Getting a visa to Canada is not robust, provided you apply for the immigrant category that best fits your status. Companies such as CKM Law - Calgary Immigration lawyers can help you proceed with the process.