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How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Facelift

A common question asked to every physician before and after the facelift surgery by the patient is how long it takes to recover? But this question's answer varies from person to person. As per the average surgeon report, most people get retrieved within two weeks, but there is also a degree of individual variation regarding recovery. The surgery is performed on what part of own even matters.

The main surgery prospects are divided into three parts likewise:

  • Facepiece where the surgery is performed;
  • Individuals factor in how early their bodies recover; and 
  • Steps were taken to speed up the recovery process
  • Let's discuss the above elements one by one:
  • Face Part Where The Surgery is Performed
This includes an individual's problem with brushing and swelling. Almost 80% of the brushing gets cleared in the first week of Rhytidectomy and the rest in the next week. So, most patients get 100% recovery in the first two weeks of surgery. But still, it became a swag for bruising because certain body parts take longer to recover. Noblet and the lower eyelid area called bruise can last for six weeks.

The recovery procedure can vary from person to person. In extreme conditions, the swelling lasts longer and can take one more week to fully settle the swelling level. Although your swelling may go after two weeks, if not, you can cover it with makeup. There could also be 48 hours of pain that can be easily cured by some antidots or painkillers only prescribed by the surgeon.

Doctors advised the patient to perform everyday activities like watching television and using the internet after a few days. Even you can go for regular exercise after 3-4 weeks. But immediately after surgery, you should ice the eyes; cooling the face could reduce swelling. You can join your social activities after 2 weeks, but for the patients having a significant event, in more likely should go for six weeks before the event.

2. Individuals Factor That How Early Their Body Recover

Every individual takes a different time to recover; for example, a diabetic patient needs to control diabetes as it directly affects the healing process. If two people are treated with an identical operation, both will take different times to recover because of their constitutions. People with smoking habits must stop smoking before and after surgery to avoid potential risks.

Another aspect is related to the emotional side. If the person has a positive attitude and is healthy from mental emotions, he will recover sooner than others.

In addition to this surgeon's operation technique also matters for early recovery. The most common method used for facelifts and neck lifts is a minimal technique, including the hidden incision and telescopic techniques. All of these aim to reduce the amount of bruising and swelling and speed up your recovery.

3. Steps Were Taken To Speed Up The Recovery Process

The speed of your recovery plays an important role. In this context, pre-existing medical conditions are highly required to control. Medication, including herbal and non-herbal, also affects swelling and bruising. The majority of the Dr. George Brennan
 always recommend both pre and post-operation precautions.

Applying an icing or frozen peas or gel mask on the swelling part for 10 minutes after every hour first 3 days is the best technique prescribed by every surgeon. It reduces swelling and speeds up your healing process.

Proper sleep is a prerequisite. You must nap with your head elevated for about two weeks to help mitigate swelling. Try to keep your head still. Testing on two pillows or using a wedge-shaped foam pillow is more effective. The wedge-shaped foam pillows are sold at many pharmacies and surgical supply stores. You can also sleep upright in a recliner.

Important Note:

Usually, your first postoperative appointment is the day after your surgery. During the visit, your surgeon may change your bandages, but your stitches won't be removed for another five to seven days. The staples in your scalp, if there are any, will be released around day 10 because your scalp takes longer to heal.

RemembIt's always better to be safe than sorry! Er that your skin may feel dry and rough for a few months after your facelift. Feel free to call your surgeon if you have doubts or queries about what is or is not expected as you recover.

Final Words

Perfect Facelift surgery is essential to get your dream beauty. The surgeon's quality of operation performed and your efforts towards pre and post-surgery play a prominent role. So, hiring a surgeon with excellent references and years of experience in Facial Plastic Surgery is vital. The most important thing is to follow the surgeon's instructions correctly, ending with the most enjoyable and comfortable experience.

Author Bio: Sheetal Goswami is working as a Blogger for the Tricity Institute of Plastic Surgery. A famous Institute for Plastic – cosmetic surgery and Hair Transplant Punjab. She has been blogging for several years about the fusion of Medical Science. She is a voracious follower of medical achievements and loves to share all about them.
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