It is safe to say that you are befuddled while choosing Hostgator versus Namecheap for your site? On the off chance that yes then most likely you would scan for minimal effort and elite Hosting administration. The purpose for such confounding is precarious showcasing efforts keep running by each Hosting organisation. They regularly offer their items utilising coupon codes and conveniently limited time rebates which exceptionally change the cost on an everyday schedule.
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- Performance
- Uptime Analysis
- Website Speed Test
- Customer Support and Service
- Pricing Plan and Feature
- Conclusion
Supplies perusing underneath correlation between Hostgator versus Namecheap, you will effectively have the capacity to choose the best Hosting between Hostgator versus Namecheap.
To check which Hosting is the best large for sites you should represent a few perspectives. There are numerous properties, for example, mailing limit, stockpiling, data transfer capacity and so forth to contrast and yet what really matters is Performance, Server Uptime, Page Speed Test, Customer support and Price.
Here in this examination between Hostgator versus Namecheap we will run some Also tests for crucial execution factors and see which the best is. The two organisations could be great yet today we are in look generally advantageous.
Hostgator versus Namecheap Performance Test
In term of execution, both Hosting organisations are running their servers on a redesigned shared foundation. Both are utilising SSD stockpiling recollections to expand the speed and boot time execution.
Hostgator: If we take a gander at Hostgator servers they are profoundly focused and circling the clock with framework segments of AMD Opteron 6000 arrangement CPU with DDR3 ECC RAM for most last execution.
Namecheap: On the other hand, Namecheap utilise Dell M1000 Blade server innovation for rapid stockpiling territory organise (SAN) conveying unparalleled execution to its client
Hostgator versus Namecheap Uptime Analysis

This is a standout amongst the most imperative factor you ought to consider before purchasing any hosting because the client ought look for no situation encounter server downtime. To test server uptime of Hostgator versus Namecheap we ran a few tests the aftereffect of which is given underneath.
In the wake of taking a gander at this chart, we can see that both hosting are near each other however as you probably are aware we are looking for the best, so Hostgator have the high ground in term of Server Uptime. Hostgator offer 99.99% ensured server uptime, and we can see it isn't really 99.99% yet it's nearby.
Namecheap offers 99.91% server uptime which is advertised aggressive or more normal hosting suppliers. They offer a choice to pick between their information server areas which are as of now situated in the United States and the United Kingdom.
To get more fulfilment, we run another test by putting Hostgator and Namecheap hosting server a few times under observation for 7 days and the outcome was the same. Hostgator won this section.
Result: Hostgator is Winner
Hostgator versus Namecheap Website Speed Test
Once your site is up and running the first significant issue you will face will be Website stacking time. We concur that there is an excessive number of elements associated with ascertaining page speed however we can guarantee you that there is likewise an approach to figure correct execution and it is by setting up two servers with comparable subjects and proper design. This is precisely what we did, we built up two servers one on Hostgator and other on Namecheap with similar topic and designs. Once both were set up, we ran a few tests utilising the web speed test apparatuses to see which one is speedier.
Pingdom Website Speed Test
Namecheap Pingdom Website Speed Test
Hostgator Pingdom Website Speed Test
Result: Some apparatus distinguished that Hostgator is quicker and some instrument recognised that Namecheap is. We can state it a tie.
To additionally clear up this examination, we really run speed test apparatus on the two organisations sites itself, i.e. Hostgator and Namecheap.
Google Speed Test Hostgator and Namecheap
As we did in execution test, we additionally run a second-page speed test utilising google apparatus and got the following outcomes. Here Namecheap has the high ground in page speed test.
Hostgator Google Speed Test |
NameCheap Google Speed Test |
Result: We can see that in one test Hostgator have a superior score than Namecheap yet in second test Namecheap have an excellent score then Hostgator. As both ways score are nearly near every so we can state that they have a tie in term of page speed test.
Hostgator versus Namecheap Customer Support and Service
In light of client surveys on the web and our own involvement with Hostgator hosting, we can state that there is most likely that Hostgator furnish the best client bolster with qualified professionals and deals specialists. Then again, on the off chance that we take a gander at client surveys for Namecheap they are likewise no chance inadmissible. The fundamental contrast between both client bolster is, Hostgator give every one of the three types of help, i.e. call, bolster ticket, and live visit. Be that as it may, Namecheap just offers help ticket and live talk.
Result: Hostgator is a victor
Hostgator versus Namecheap Pricing Plan and Feature Comparison
This is the most concerned part for a purchaser since he needs to purchase the best hosting in monetary esteem. Underneath examination will give you a thought of how much an arrangement will cost you.
If you see an examination between Hostgator hatchling and Namecheap Value designs, you will see that Namecheap limits the measure of circle space and give 3 area rather than 1. While Hostgator provide Unlimited circle space, however, enable 1 city to be facilitated on a single server.
Also, on the off chance that we contrast Hostgator Baby design and Namecheap Professional arrangement you can see that Namecheap still give constrained capacity when compared with Hostgator large capacity additionally Hostgator permit large spaces while Namecheap enables 10 area to be facilitated on a single server.
Same goes for different plans.
Here 2 thing is essential.
The cost of Hostgator hosting is for the most part lower than Namecheap.
Hostgator furnish Free SSL with its Business Plan while Namecheap supplies no Free SSL with any of its hosting plans.
Comparison Attribute | Hostgator | Namecheap (US Datacenter) | Namecheap (UK Datacenter) |
Plan Name | Hatchling | Value | Value |
Price | $3.95/month | $3.24/month | $4.24/month |
Disk Space | Unlimited | 20GB SSD | 20GB SSD |
Bandwidth | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Domains Allowed | 1 | 3 | 3 |
Free Private SSL | No | No | No |
Comparison Attribute | Hostgator | Namecheap (US Datacenter) | Namecheap (UK Datacenter) |
Plan Name | Baby | Professional | Professional |
Price | $5.95/month | $6.57/month | $7.57/month |
Disk Space | Unlimited | 50GB SSD | 50GB SSD |
Bandwidth | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Domains Allowed | Unlimited | 10 | 10 |
Free Private SSL | No | No | No |
Comparison Attribute | Hostgator | Namecheap (US Datacenter) | Namecheap (UK Datacenter) |
Plan Name | Business | Ultimate | Ultimate |
Price | $5.95/month | $10.82/month | $11.82/month |
Disk Space | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Bandwidth | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Domains Allowed | Unlimited | 50 | 50 |
Free Private SSL | Yes | No | No |
Comparison Attribute | Hostgator | Namecheap (US Datacenter) | Namecheap (UK Datacenter) |
Plan Name | - | Business SSD | Business SSD |
Price | - | $19.88/month | $20.88/month |
Disk Space | - | 20GB Pure SSD | 20GB Pure SSD |
Bandwidth | - | 5000 GB | 5000 GB |
Domains Allowed | - | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Free Private | - | No | No |
Visit HostgatorVisit Namecheap
In Conclusion : Winner
We found that in almost every test, Hostgator dominated this comparison. Hosting is not something you choose or regularly switch; thus, it is essential to select the best one. Therefore, you should always prefer Hostgator over Namecheap for a hosting solution.