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Research found, African women like s_ex more than man,

Timing is everything they say. if your girlfriend has a “headache” when you’re in the mood, maybe your timing is just not right. Here’s a fact you might want to know : women tend to have a high libido or s_ex drive a week before they menstruate, and some pregnant women tend to have a higher s_ex drive during pregnancy.
Polokwane based gynecologist, Dr Fhulifhelo  Tshivula, said these tow natural occurrences women experience are linked to higher levels of oestrogen before  menstruation and during pregnancy. Mmathibedi Ramarumo however said it does not work like that for her. A week before her period she says she’s so busy anticipating cramps that she can’t really appreciate her higher oestrogen levels. “I only have a high s_ex drive when I’s pregnant. When I menstruate I hardly think of s_ex. I also suffer from severe menstrual tension, so s_ex is normally the last thing on my mind then,”she said.
Dr Tshivula said hormonal changes are good for women, and having s_ex often has many benefits, including good overall health and radiant skin. “Frequent s_ex is good for women, because it keeps them in a good moo.” he said. He added s_ex is good during pregnancy as it positively contributes to the overall wellness of the woman and the unborn baby.
Source ; DailySun

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