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Recovering A Deleted Page Or Post on Blogger (Updated 2025)

In late 2010, Blogger Support announced that they could not provide the service to restore deleted posts.

Once you (the blog owner) delete a page or post, it's gone—though we have asked for a recovery option. Fortunately, several possibilities exist for recovering deleted pages or posts, though some work may be required.

There are several possible techniques for recovering one or more deleted pages or posts that were previously published.

The choices of recovery / restore may depend upon how the deletion / removal occurred.
Deleted by Blogger - saved as Draft, because of DMCA violation accusation.
Deleted by you - visible in search engine cache.
Deleted by you - visible in blog feed.

The post was saved as a draft because of an accusation of a DMCA violation.

If Blogger deletes a post because of an accused DMCA violation (righteous or spurious), you'll find the post saved as Draft. You can, possibly, republish the deleted post(s) - though if you don't have the DMCA Violation accusation resolved, you risk having your Blogger account and blog deleted as a repeat and unrepentant offender.

The post may be retrievable from a search engine cache.

If you can find the post's content, you can retrieve the PostID in search engine cache. Knowing both the BlogID and PostID, you can edit and re-publish the post.

If I were to delete this post, I (or another blog administrator) could edit it and publish it again when logged in to Blogger using the Post Editor URL and the PostID—possibly with some extra effort.

You should see some or all of the following details in the cache's top portion of the post. You can find "blogID" in other template areas. "postID" may be elusive, though.

Using "blogID" and "pageID" / "postID", I can build the recovery URL:;postID=8899607620317019913

Similarly, for a deleted page,;pageID=8872543322493900789



Using the above technique and substituting your blog and page/post, you can recover the entire page or post, including all content and formatting - and the original URL. However, this technique won't work for unindexed blogs or new pages. Private blogs are unlikely to be indexed, either.

In some cases, even if you can retrieve the post and recover the post editor session, you may be unable to re-publish. If you get a bX error when re-publishing, copy the contents from HTML mode - then make a new post and paste. After you publish the new post under a new URL, you'll have to add a Custom Redirect from the Old URL to the New URL.

The post may be retrievable from the blog feed.

With a bit of work, you can retrieve the BlogID and PostID from the blog post newsfeed using a text browser. In that case, you can re-publish the post using the above URL construction. This technique may not work for pages.

If a search engine cache isn't available, and if the blog publishes a post feed, you can subscribe to the post feed in Google Reader or a similar feed reader and retrieve the text content of the post. Having the text of the missing post visible to you, you can copy and paste the content into the post editor and Publish the post again.

Feed content retrieval will provide text which must be reformatted.

You'll have to reformat the post content using this technique, as feed content is formatted relatively simply. When you publish the post, it will be a new post with a new URL. Again, add a Custom Redirect from the Old URL to the New URL to retain the post's reputation. This technique won't work for private blogs or blogs where the feed is disabled.

So, if you delete a post or if Blogger deletes it on your behalf, you have various recovery options. For private blogs, neither search engine cache nor blog feed options will likely work, and some options may be more or less desirable than others.
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