Have you ever noticed how much storage you have on your phones or your computers? Have you ever wondered why your warehouse could be filled with just one application? Well, these would be bytes inside your warehouse, which takes up all the space in your drives.
It would first come as a computer code that consists of ones and zeroes that forms a pattern of different combinations of these numbers. These would be called bits, and combining them would make a byte if there were eight. There are many classifications of bytes, and depending on their quantity, they will be classified as that byte. For example, for 1 Kilobyte, it would consist of 1000 bytes altogether. And to think about this, the highest classification of a byte is a
yottabyte, wherein 1 unit consists of 1 septillion bytes. 1 septillion having 24 zeroes right after the 1; it’s that many.
Significance of Bytes in Our World
Bytes hold a great significance in the modern days of our everyday lives. They have a great purpose as they are in every piece of data on the drive. Every character, letter, number, and punctuation, usually has several bytes. This is also why documents don’t take that much space just because they only have characters in them; unlike for pictures and videos, this isn’t the case.
Pictures and videos are some of the things that are important to the lives of people as they are virtual memories and they have sentiments on them. These pictures and videos also contain bytes, which take up much space, especially for videos. The better the quality of the file, the more bytes it would have. For videos, it would be a different case as videos are usually moving pictures wherein if the quality of the video is good and it captures every frame correctly, it would take up a lot of space in your storage.
Importance of Acknowledging Bytes
Knowing the differences between each classification of bytes is highly recommended to avoid confusing them. Some people have no idea about these classifications and might mistake each byte's size. We should note that it is frequent to encounter bytes in the world of computers as these are the building blocks of every file there ever existed. Without the existence of bytes, we wouldn’t be able to have social media, games, documents, and probably an email. Life is so much easier with technology, and bytes are one of the reasons why it isn’t much of a hassle to live in the current time.
Different Classifications of Bytes
By now, you might wonder what we have been yapping about on and on with “classifications of bytes”. We will introduce you to some names of these bytes and how many bytes they contain.
- Kilobyte - 1024 bytes
- Megabyte - 1048576 bytes
- Gigabyte - 1073741824 bytes
- Terabyte - 1,099,511,627,776 bytes
- Petabyte - 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes
- Exabyte - 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes
- Yottabyte - 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes
These are the standard classifications of bytes. Just by looking at the number of bytes a yottabyte has, you can tell it has more quantities than the population of people on Earth. With this, you can visualise just how many numbers there can be in one drive. The fact that something so small can contain this many bytes is jaw-dropping.
Don’t underestimate what one byte can do because there are many things it could contain with just one byte. Much less than a Gigabyte, which contains 1073741824 bytes in the binary. This dramatically shows the feat that bytes can reach. Something so small can contain something so big. Don’t also get intimidated by how big a byte can get, as it would show how much work was put into a file. Keep in mind that bytes are an essential part of our lives in the current times just because of how easy our lives would be if several pieces of paper could be piled up in one drive and it could be carried in your pocket. How convenient would that be?