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Are Personal Injuries a Public Health Concern?

Public health involves the science of preventing disease and prolonging longevity within a community. It's a field that involves an organized effort to educate communities on improving health and informing them on emerging concerns such as infectious disease and other threats. Public health professionals limit the disparities in health and work to protect the public. They conduct research, implement policies, share information, and even track disease outbreaks in order to set safety standards within a local community. So, how do personal injuries fit into all of this? If you want to learn about whether personal injuries are considered a public health concern, you may want to keep reading.

What is a personal injury?

Personal injuries include any type of injury that causes harm. This harm can include physical or even emotional distress. A situation usually constitutes the legal definition of a personal injury when a person is harmed as a result of negligence. If you've ever been in a car accident, truck accident, or motorcycle accident, then you've probably called a personal injury attorney before. A reputable Denver personal injury law firm can help you get fair compensation for a serious injury simply by holding the negligent party accountable.

An attorney's duty is to hold the opposing party liable for their negligence. If the attorney can prove liability, you are awarded compensation for any damages you may have experienced due to injury. This includes financial repercussions from income loss, unemployment, or medical bills. That's why it's important to choose an experienced legal team to represent you.

Are personal injuries a public health concern?

The CDC states that unintentional injury is a leading cause of death in the United States. There are an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 personal injury claims made every single year. In fact, 92 percent of tort cases actually cite personal injury. So, it's safe to say that personal injury does in fact affect a good portion of the public, and one major role of public health involves the prevention of injury and disease. Professionals within the field of public health work to improve lives by promoting public health policies and making health care more accessible.

If you're interested in pursuing a career in public health, then you may want to consider a bachelors public health program when it comes to higher education. This four-year degree program is completely online and the best way for working professionals to pursue higher education with more flexibility. A bachelor's degree in this field of study is ranked as one of the top health degrees in the United States. If you want to educate communities and make health care more accessible, then this may be the path for you.

What do you do when you experience a personal injury?

The first thing you should do after experiencing an injury is to seek medical attention. Once you've received proper medical care, you can then contact a reputable attorney to discuss your case. Make sure the attorney handles injury practice areas and that they have the extensive experience to back you. Experiencing a serious injury can result in economic losses, emotional trauma, and property damage. So, it's best that you find an injury attorney that has your best interest at heart.

Personal injury cases are a major public health concern, and it's not uncommon to have to deal with them at some point in life. It is the duty of public health professionals to help lower the risk of injury through organized efforts. Auto accidents, wrongful death, and other injury cases are a threat to communities, and dedicated experts in all fields are needed in order to protect the public.
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