Brand awareness is pretty much what it says on the tin.

It’s all about letting potential customers know about your brand and what you do.

Successful brand awareness means levelling the playing field between you and your competitors and generating customer loyalty that inspires them to choose you.

Brand awareness is more than just brand recognition. Your customers won’t just be able to identify your brand, but they will know what products and services you provide, they will be familiar with your advertising campaigns, and you will provoke emotions – ideally positive ones – in your consumers.

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, then here are five fantastic tips to try.

1. Social Media

If you want to get your name out there and boost your brand, then you need to be active on social media.

These handy platforms allow you to forge a relationship with your customers, as well as enable them to easily keep in contact with you through the direct messaging features provided by most.

Be careful not to use your platforms to give your customers the hard sell, however. Instead, focus on keeping your pages light, fun, and in some cases, a little bit sassy to foster relationships and show customers (rather than tell them) why they should choose your brand.

2. Write a Blog

Writing a blog is a great way to keep your customers engaged, with the most popular site for bloggers being WordPress.

Again, don’t make the mistake of using your blog to sell to your customers. As with social media, blogging is about providing your customers with informative and helpful advice that positions you as an expert in your field. Your blog is a great way to increase their awareness of who you are and what you do!

3. Implement SEO

SEO is a long-term strategy, but one that can do wonders for your brand awareness – plus, the higher you rank in Google searches, the more trustworthy and authoritative you’ll be in the eyes of your users.

Getting your head around SEO, with all its bells and whistles, can be a little overwhelming. So, enlist the help of expert agencies such as Maratopia Digital Marketing. They’ll set your SEO on the right track to success and ensure that your brand is found by valuable customers.

4. Be Consistent

Consistency is key!

Of course, it’s important that you’re adaptable, but your audience isn’t going to be able to foster familiarity with your band if you’re constantly chopping and changing.

Make sure everything from your policies, imagery, to your tone of voice, is consistent. This way your customers will feel confident that they know who you are, what you’re about, and what you do!

5. Physical Marketing

We spend so much time online, it’s easy to forget that physical marketing still exists!

Posters, billboard space, leaflets and business cards might seem like outdated concepts, but they can be a refreshingly nostalgic way to get your name out there and increase awareness of your brand!

What have you done to boost brand awareness? Share your secrets in the comments below!