There is much talk of being transparent when hiring new people, but it is a complicated matter. According to a report, more than 80% of employees said they needed a better onboarding experience with their employer. So, it’s clear that there is a lot of room to improve your onboarding process.

Being transparent means you have to clarify what you want and expect from an employee. It’s about gaining their trust and aligning your goals from day one. But if your process is confusing and doesn’t align with what the new recruit’s goals are. There is a chance that they will be leaving the job pretty soon.

If you are looking for ways to bring transparency to new hire onboarding, we have a few tips that can help you. So have a look down below:

Be Clear About the Job Description

One of the most essential things for transparency is to be clear about what you want. A job description is a list of tasks that need to be performed for a specific job position. Let’s say you want to hire an assistant; you need to write down all the tasks you expect from him or her as the job description. If you expect him or her to go outside of traditional duties for the job, you also need to mention that. It will allow the candidate to be fully aware of the situation, and if he or she can pitch in extra for the company’s success, it will be a win for you and your assistant.

However, if you don’t mention that they may have to work outside their roles and were asked to do something, this will cause mistrust, and they may not be willing to take on any more responsibility. Therefore, always be clear about the job description and upfront about the duties that they have to fulfil so that they are not caught off-guard.

Explain Your Company Values

Every company has its own rules, culture, and values that make it unique. These should not be overlooked while hiring new people onboard. Let’s say your company doesn’t allow you to bring any smart devices to the office or take something from the office. You need to discuss this with your new recruits by giving them a logical explanation. If they understand the company values, it will be good for both the employee and the employer. They will be able to work on the same goals with mutual respect. Otherwise, they won’t be a good fit for your company.

Explain to them why following rules and schedules is important and how it benefits both them and the company. When you make everything transparent, you have a better chance of growth.

Give Them a Schedule

When you hire new employees or interns, you are responsible for giving them a schedule. Giving them a schedule will help them understand things better. Even if you hire a professional, you need to give him or her an orientation of how things work around here. As for newbies, who haven’t had any job before, you need to provide them with some training, so that they will understand how and where to read their schedule when is a lunch break, what things are allowed and not allowed, how to read their pay stub, how to apply for a leave, when is meeting schedule, etc. keep their schedule light with small tasks but just keep them engaged.

Things will be different for permanent, contractual employees, freelancers, and volunteers, so make sure you have a plan to handle each category. Rotation-based training is often effective for interns or junior-level jobs.

Encourage Open Communication

Another very important thing for transparency is encouraging new recruits to speak up with any type of ambiguity. Workplace culture needs to have open communication if we really want to become transparent. If you don’t encourage open communication, you won’t be able to know what is making your employees leave this company. Open communication can help you improve your company’s culture on its own. When employees feel that the boss's office is a safe space, they might share their failures and it can help you navigate a path that leads to success. If employees feel that they are being heard and their opinion matters, they will come forward and make good suggestions in order to improve the company’s culture.

Giving them regular feedback, improvement tips, and positive critique also fall under open communication.