Nowadays, the most common issue in transactions is issuing a confirmation of concluding a contract - invoices are the most convenient option. Older invoicing techniques could be better, especially since invoicing programs are gaining popularity and more customers are considering using them. What can you gain from it?
Online invoicing program - what is this?
First, choose the online invoicing app that fits your invoices. Sending invoices to registered mail is not practical; it is much better to send them online. So you save office items, for example, paper - which is also highly environmentally friendly.
Advantages of having an invoicing program.
Classic methods of creating invoices and bills provide less convenient possibilities than software for writing invoices via the Internet. What are the benefits of having an invoicing program?
The convenience of use. The programs are most often designed to be transparent and use them intuitively. This enables comfortable and quick work, and there is no need to implement the program. Learn
how to forecast accounts receivable and how convenient it can be. It will surely make the workforce better.
I am automating activities. Thanks to the cloud and connection to the database, there is no need for time-consuming rewriting all information manually - the program will do all the work.
Unfortunately, it is precisely human mistakes that need to be corrected. Counting errors can be severe, and sometimes they are difficult to find - the program will automatically calculate the tax and check the correctness of the data.
Saving money
When using an e-invoice, it is worth taking care of its safety and security. This means that all Sending e-invoices in PDF format as an attachment to an e-mail contains a significant risk of information leakage that does not meet the requirements of the government. To meet the needs and increase data security, the system enables sending e-invoices in the form of a link, taking the buyer to a secure customer panel.
In this way, each issued invoice will be assigned a link, leading to the secure customer panel at the time of shipment to the buyer.
Safe e-invoice in the Customer Panel
After receiving the link, the buyer can (by clicking on View invoice in the e-mail or on the link) go to the secure customer panel, where the following are available:
Is the customer Panel safe?
From the moment of generating the invoice from the seller to the buyer's transition to the invoice view in the customer's panel, data transmission is encrypted with the SSL EV (Extended Validation) protocol. It secures each data transmission on the line and authorizes the server's identity to the user. The information becomes secure thanks to the encryption of all data in and out of the application. The same security is used, for example, by banks that provide the transaction system to their clients. Using a secure e-invoice, the seller and the buyer can be sure that no changes have been made to its content and that the data transmission was secured correctly.
Checking the SSL protocol
Each user can check if the SSL protocol works. When logging in to the website in the browser, https: // appears instead of the standard http: //. The added "s" informs the server that you want to establish a secure connection. Additionally, depending on the browser used, extended information about the company for which the SSL EV certificate is issued may appear in the address bar.