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Moles, skin tag and wart can be irritating. There is no hiding from it. Let’s face it. However, the only good thing that can come out of it is the fact that they do not cause any other risks to our health. It will make your life more comfortable if you get a wart and skin tag removal before they become a problem as they are annoying.

Before we mention their removal and oral surgeons that can help you with it, let us look at what skin tag and wart is and how to differentiate them for their better individual treatment and removal.


Friction causes little flaps of skin to form on the human body. Friction like rubbing against a cloth fabric, collar, or skin rubbing against skin. It starts as a small gland or bump on the skin but causes a snowball effect once they start rubbing. It gets pulled further while being rubbed till it is hanging by a thread. It can even form the shape of a small bulb on your skin. Their biggest problem is the irritation that is caused by it. They can bleed and hurt. They are not dangerous but many prefer to get them removed to avoid discomforts.


They are hard bumps that lie deep in the skin and pop up on your hands, the bottom of feet, or knees. They are smooth at the top but are thick and scaly. They are contagious and start from a virus. They need to be removed quickly before they spread and cause you problems. Getting rid of the virus is necessary rather than just a wart removal. Their treatments are painful but endurance is necessary to remove it completely and be healthy.


Warts and skin tags are different and constitute different properties. Therefore, different treatments are required for them. However, wart and skin tag removal may share some common treatments even if their procedures are different.

We have mentioned both methods for your convenience and easy understanding.

Skin tags are usually harmful and their removal is mainly due to cosmetic or aesthetic reasons. They can simply be removed through rubbing if causing irritation but there are various other surgical methods in practice by oral surgeons that are used for its removal.
  • The skin tag is removed by burning off using electrolysis. This process is known as cauterization.
  • · Usage of liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tag and then its removal in a procedure called cryosurgery.
  • There is a process known as ligation that includes interruption of blood supply to the skin tag.
  • The tag in many cases is cut off by a scalpel. This is called excision.
These procedures should only be conducted by experienced dermatologists, specialized skin doctors, or other such professionals. A specialized eye doctor can be asked to remove a skin tag if it is located near the eye of a patient. Avoid removing it at home as it can cause bleeding and infection.

Warts often go away without treatment especially in cases of children. Though warts are not dangerous, dermatologists suggest removing them. There are various treatments that are used by dermatologists, skin doctors, or other such oral surgeons to remove warts.
  • A doctor can paint the wart with cantharidin that causes a blister to form under the wart. After a week or so, the doctor removes the dead wart.
  • Cryotherapy is the most common method of wart removal in adults and teenagers. This is not too painful and uses freezing as a method. It can cause dark spots during the treatment but after regular treatments, the spots will fade away.
  • Electrosurgery (burning) and curettage (scraping off) is a common treatment and these two methods are often used together to treat warts. A doctor can both scrape off before or after the electrosurgery.
  • The doctor may cut off the wart through excision.
As in the case of skin tag removal, these procedures should only be conducted by professionals, and doing it at home should be avoided to prevent infection and other serious problems.

Skin tag and wart removal is not a long process but can cause annoyance and problems so it is the best to get done with. They are usually not painful but can be a painful experience for some individuals who have low pain tolerance levels.

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