A scrapbook is a creative and personal way to feature your memories. You can buy one from an online
scrapbook store or customize one on your own. A variety of materials such as glitter, stickers, and text decorating patterns can bring out an outlandish scrapbook when combined with your visionary perception.

Essentials of a Highly Creative Scrapbook
The possibilities of making scrapbooks are endless, and when you want to start with one, you may feel a little astounding. Here are some fabulous ideas to create a highly creative scrapbook.
Use a Map for Background
If you try putting your vacation memories in your scrapbook, then an exciting way to start is by placing a map in the background and then attaching your amazing pictures. Pasting a map can create visual interest in the reader and highlights your intention in a clear mode. Attaching plane tickets, brochures, or any special receipts of your vacation can make it even more compelling.
Cut Fun Photos Into Shapes
Sticking pictures in their standard shape is quite normal, so you can try cutting them into different funny shapes and attach them to your scrapbook. You can also add patterned edges to those pictures to make them attractive.
Add an envelope for Bits and Bobs
You may have many collections from your travel trip. You can put them safely yet in an inventive manner. Paste an envelope to add any receipts or fun stories related to the pictures.
Press Flowers for a Pop of Colours
If you want to use a different art technique, dried flowers are an excellent way to make your page attractive and give it a realistic look and to your
scrapbook memories. You can press a flower and attach it to the book's relevant pages to give a real nature's feel.
Use Paint Chips
You can use multi-coloured paint chips to add them to your scrapbook page. Add the highlights or the main idea of the story that you have described on that page. This will give a close-knit look.
Embroider your Journey
If you have added a map, you can make it entirely look different by highlighting or embroider the area or path you visited. Try doing it with a needlecraft with a colourful silk thread.
Coloured Tape
Coloured tape or Washi tape is a smart and easy way to give direction or elegance to your scrapbook pages. Make your scrapbook more colourful by adding boundaries to your pictures. The coloured tapes are available in various patterns such as heart, jellyfish, flowers, etc., and a great way to enhance the look of your scrapbook.
Turn photos into Texts
You can mark your vacation photos with alphabets. For Instance, if you have multiple pictures from Paris, then mark them with a large letter 'P' and 'L' for London pictures, etc. Try this for some of the pages of your scrapbook and see the fun.
Start Scrapbooking
If you haven't started yet, buy one from a nearby or online scrapbook store and store your memories in a prolific way. A fascinating scrapbook is always refreshing whenever you open it.