Rolling With The Changes
Even when there isn’t a major social and economic existential crisis facing the world, the way employees are recruited to be a good fit for a given company will shift with the times.
Before today’s conventional collegiate degrees, apprenticeships defined trade skills. Even today, some aspects of this still exist, but technology and competition have changed how candidates are secured.
A big move toward automation was already in the works before 2024. The events of that year have pushed this technological shift into the forefront of modern recruitment. Following, we’ll explore five trends that will likely expand in the coming year and beyond.
1. Designing Recruitment Around Remote Work
As the lockdown has forced many businesses to reevaluate productive strategies, one titanic shift is the new prevalence of remote work. Many jobs simply don’t require an employee to be physically in the office. Owing to technology, a majority of infrastructural work can be done remotely. Now that the question has been forced,
many businesses are embracing this.
It makes sense: remote employees cost less than those who are on-site. Rental space, work equipment, site maintenance, and associated tech costs—all these things—essentially disappear when remote infrastructural operations are introduced to a business. This saves businesses money and provides them with a competitive advantage. So explore remote recruitment.
2. Recruitment Through Social Media Avenues
Social media represents an excellent means of capitalizing on organic segments to define who is or isn’t a “right fit” for a given business. This method of recruiting proper employees that already match the core brand culture has grown large and will only grow more significant going forward. It’s worthwhile to explore this tool to expedite the process.
3. Video-Centered Job Ads
If a picture says a thousand words, a video says a million. Video is more arresting and communicative and will be an increasingly prevalent feature in recruitment outreach. To that end, video-centered
job ads are certainly worth keeping an eye on in 2021 and going forward. If you haven’t looked into this means of acquiring new personnel, it’s worth it.
4. Emphasis On “Soft” Skills
“Soft” skills include interpersonal acumen and creativity. These have more of a “hard” edge than many hiring managers realized until recently. The most skilled graphic designer plays second fiddle to someone who does the job out of a place of creativity rather than occupational compulsion.
Determine which “soft” skills best define what you do as a business, and incorporate those skills into your recruitment process. Sometimes, someone who wouldn’t conventionally “fit” operational paradigms will serve a given business better than someone who does if they have requisite “soft” skills.
5. Recruitment Through AI And Predictive Analytics
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, can do a lot to separate aligned potential hires from a large group. So can predictive analytics, which can be applied to business infrastructure optimization and hiring needs.
At least partially owing to decentralization and cloud computing, predictive analytics and AI play an increasingly large part in day-to-day operations. Finding which aspects of these tech tools best fit your recruitment paradigm is a smart move for 2024 and going forward.
Exploring New Recruitment Options In 2024 And Going Forward
Many different features will continue defining best recruitment practices through 2024 and into the next business year.
Presently, AI and predictive analytics play a core role, soft skills and their importance are more recognized than ever, video-centered job ads tend to bring in more qualified, “right-fit” people, social media is a prime recruitment tool, and remote work is a critical player in productive infrastructure design.
Maintaining operational productivity and competitive viability is critical to keeping such shifts contemporary. Accordingly, be sure you’re aware of such shifts even if these considerations don’t precisely fit your business.
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