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Tips for Youtube Marketing in 2021


In digital marketing, most marketers are starting to see Youtube as one of the most effective platforms for online marketing. This high interest of marketers in this platform created the concept of YouTube marketing. However, it is extremely easy to get lost in this channel since YouTube marketing is relatively new compared to other more traditional ways of marketing. For this, we have created a list of suggestions on how you can improve your YouTube marketing and increase your audience.

Research similar channels of yours

Once you set up your YouTube channel, you need to study your competitors better. Research people who are creating content related to your topic of YouTube videos. Think about them as an example of where you can identify their weakness, strength, and think of a better action plan. 

Write down what you can improve in their strategy and always remember not to copy their style or content ideas. Find your own style and design for your channel. Don't forget that in the sea of similar content, you need to give your audience the best reason to visit your channel and watch your videos.

Optimize your videos to get more attention

Youtube algorithm works in different ways compared to other social media platforms. YouTube thumbnail sizes are 1280 x 720 pixels, with a minimum width of 640 pixels. To bring your videos to the desired audience you need to start using the right keywords and tags, proper to your video topic.  

Using keywords will help you to increase the chances of your videos being recommended to other viewers by YouTube itself.

Also, think of a catchy title for your video, because that is one of the first things that people notice. The title can affect their desire to open and watch your video or if it's not interesting enough they might continue scrolling.

Thumbnail is another thing that brings attention to your video. Make sure that it has the best quality and try to make it as welcoming as possible.

Promote your channel

Support your YouTube channel by promoting it on your social media accounts. You need to spread the word about what you are doing, therefore create small, funny videos that you can post on your stories.

Put your YouTube channel link in your bio and encourage your followers to visit and subscribe to your channel. Another great way to grow your channel is to get Jaynik's marketing service. Remember that your channel is like a small business that needs a proper marketing strategy.

Stick to your schedule

Consistency can drastically increase your visibility. Create the uploading schedule and follow it. Having the uploading schedule will also help your subscribers to remember when they can visit your channel and see a new video.  Following this pattern will also represent you as a professional and highlight your work ethic.

Always engage with your audience

You can learn a lot about your viewers while interacting with them. Remember that videos are a different way of communication, therefore you need to communicate back to your followers. 

Read comments and answer as much as you can.  Not only will it help you to get close to your subscribers on a personal level, but a high engagement rate will also help you to boost your algorithm. 


Producing video content can be a long process, however, in the era of digital marketing, it is vital for your visibility. 

Remember that video type content is highly preferable compared to other types of content, therefore don't hesitate to put all your efforts into Youtube marketing strategy. 

While there is a platform that offers you one of the biggest audiences on the internet not using it for your marketing is not the right decision. Just follow our tips and soon you will see great results.

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