Many people are turning to medical cannabis for relief from insomnia, anxiety, pain, epilepsy, and other issues. However, before you try out medical cannabis products, you will have to undergo a medical marijuana evaluation. In this event, you might want to see a medical cannabis doctor. Alternatively, if you live in states where medical marijuana is legal - like Georgia, for example - you can
get your medical cannabis card online, without having to leave the comfort of your home, with the help of Green Health Docs.
The dried parts of Cannabis sativa are used to make medical marijuana. For centuries, humans have used it as a herbal remedy. Today it is used to treat numerous diseases. Unfortunately, under federal law, possession or use of cannabis is illegal. However, few states allow cannabis consumption to treat some health issues. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the cannabis plant as an alternative treatment for any health condition.
Medical Cannabis For Pain Relief
Traditional medicines might be ineffective in providing adequate relief from symptoms of chronic illness. In such a case, you can consider trying medical cannabis to reduce your pain. You can reach out to
Missouri Green Team - Medical Marijuana Doctors & Recommendations for a medical marijuana recommendation.
Know More About Cannabis
The cannabis plant contains molecules known as cannabinoids, which have medicinal value. Two of the well-known cannabinoids are cannabidiol (CBD) and delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana has psychoactive effects due to the presence of THC. CBD, on the other hand, does not have any psychoactive properties but offers multiple therapeutic applications.
People usually use strains that contain a mixture of THC and CBD. According to experts, you can effectively treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and attention deficit disorder (ADD) with low THC doses. However, you would need higher doses for pain relief.
If your state doesn't allow the use of medical marijuana, you can ask your doctor for dronabinol, an FDA-approved synthetic THC.
Different Ways To Take Medical Marijuana
There are numerous ways to take medical marijuana. You can smoke the leaves, inhale the vaporized spray, bake it into your food, or take a pill. The method of marijuana consumption depends on how often you need to use it, the possible side effects, and its effect on your symptoms.
How Does Medical Marijuana Work?
Our immune system and brain have cells that contain cannabinoid receptors. Our body starts to feel marijuana's effects when its chemicals connect with these receptors. The details of this entire process are still unclear to us.
What Can Medical Marijuana Treat?
Medical Marijuana can address common conditions like Parkinson's Disease, Crohn's disease, ADD/ADHD, migraines, Alzheimer's Disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C, epilepsy, autism, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, depression, PTSD, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), fibromyalgia, and nausea. You can also use it as an appetite stimulant.
The only things that research indicates with certainty are that cannabis is a good painkiller and helps relieve a few multiple sclerosis symptoms. It also treats certain rare forms of epilepsy. The patients also use it to avoid the signs of frequent vomiting during chemotherapy. Remember that all the states might not approve the usage of cannabis to treat medical conditions.
Should You Be Using Medical Marijuana?
Your doctor would let you know whether you are the right candidate for this kind of treatment or not. If you are pregnant, you should consult your practitioner before using cannabis. Also, you would have to use medical marijuana under your psychiatrist's supervision if you have schizophrenia. Depending on your condition, you should look for a marijuana strain with the best CBD to THC ratio. Your physician should also recommend the route of administration and dosage as per your needs.
Side-Effects Of Marijuana
Cannabis has some side effects, though they are mostly dose-related. Nonmedical recreational users and novice consumers are the ones who typically face problems due to marijuana use. Side effects of marijuana consumption include dysphoria, panic attacks, and paranoia. Thus, you should consume marijuana in low doses.
An Important Thing To Note
Your physician will provide a medical marijuana recommendation only if you are an appropriate candidate for this type of treatment. Doctors cannot formally prescribe medical cannabis as marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug. You can purchase medical marijuana from a dispensary only if you have the doctor's recommendation.
If you wish, you can apply and
get cannabis card here if you don't have one. This card would help you register yourself as a medical marijuana user in the state.
If you wish to use medical marijuana to treat a chronic condition, you should visit
https://www.missourigreenteam.com/, where you can get an online doctor consultation and medical cannabis recommendation.