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Everything You Need To Know About Herb Vapors

Herb Vaporizers
Before getting into the marijuana trend referred to as “vaping”, find more info on herb vapours here. Plus, know about facts regarding what it is, how it’s used, how it works, and what it can do for you.

What Are Dry Herb Vaporizers?

Herb vapes or dry herb vaporizers are devices which “vaporize” the cannabinoids and terpenes found in cannabis. This “vapour”, once inhaled, is what will provide you with hemp’s beneficial elements, as well as with a calming and soothing aftereffect.

How Does A Vape Work?

The primary function of a vaporizer is to “heat” up dry herbs. This “heating” causes said herbs to release their chemical compounds and aromatic elements. When these two variables work together, they can produce an aerosolized version of the dry herb, also known as vapour.

As vaping is strictly limited to “heating” and not “burning”, it allows users to “smoke” cannabis without the inclusion of smoke itself. “Heating” is the very feature that preserves its organic qualities and does not have any risk of contaminating the byproduct with debris and tar.

The heating section of a vaporizer, known as the “chamber” (colloquially, it’s called the “oven”), is the heart of the device. This is where the heating mechanism takes place. At the same time, the chamber is quite a simple piece. It has a chute for where you are to place the hemp (smaller vapes equals smaller chutes, and vice versa for larger vaporizers).

Once you switch the device on, the herbs are cooked smoke-free until their vapours are generated.
Heating Levels

The heating levels of a vaporizer correspond to how much of an effect you prefer for every drag, along with how quickly you would like said drag to “hit” you. Experienced users can withstand higher temperature settings (above 380 degrees-Farhenheit) as they generally are comfortable with how much and how promptly they inhale from the vapour.

On the contrary, lower heating and/or temperature settings are advised for newbies. First, you are to test the amount of herb vapour you want to inhale. Second, vaping takes getting used to.

It’s definitely not rocket science, as the cliche goes. However, you might end up coughing it all away with too quick and too thick an inhalation. Slow, low, and steady is the way to go.
Heating Methods

1. Convection

The weed does not directly encounter the actual “heater” through a convection method. What happens is that hot air fills the chamber (where said weeds are placed). This hot air is what causes the vaporizing reaction to transpire.

2. Conduction

This is among the most traditional approaches formulated in the construction of vaporizers. Unlike convection methods, this one has to do with herbs being directly in contact with the heating component of the device.

3. Hybrid

A hybrid is a mix of the first two--- convection plus conduction. Because vaporizers with both heating capabilities are more complicated in structure than their single-method counterparts, such tools tend to have higher price tags on them, too.

Nevertheless, you should consider the pre-warm-up and overall herb heating time as you choose the ideal herb vapour for you.

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