Winning is the highlight of any sporting event. Every time the whistle blows, it is all systems go. Eyes on the trophy. However, amidst all the cheer and glory, there are aches, injuries, and strains that go into each victory.

It is for this reason that sports safety gear is so critical. 'Safety gear' is a blanket term that encompasses different types of equipment. Each is designed to protect athletes from a particular kind of injury and also provide as much comfort as possible during play.
So, if you are considering taking up a sport, here are some types of protective sporting gear worth investing in.
One of the greatest sporting controversies of all time was as a result of head injuries. The NFL came under pressure when doctors discovered that former players were suffering from
brain injuries caused by head trauma. It remains a matter of great contention and concern in the industry.
This goes to show just how important protective headgear is. While it may not entirely prevent concussions, it lessens the impact of blows to the head which in itself is crucial. It also protects the scalp against rough contact that could cause cuts and other abrasions.
Some examples of headgear include:
Helmets are used widely in the sporting industry. They consist of 2 layers; a hard outer shell-like layer and an inner layer that is padded with foam or other soft fillers. The idea is for the hard outer shell to protect against exterior impact while the padding protects the scalp.
The sport you take part in will determine the kind of helmet you need. Cyclists, for instance, use different designs from those of American football players that have grills on the front. There are also helmets for fencing, skiing, and motorsports.
Scrum Caps
Scrum caps resemble helmets but they are not the same nor can they be used as substitutes for each other. As opposed to a hard outer layer, scrum caps only have a fabric covering with some padding underneath. They were designed to protect players against
ear injuries during scrums hence the name scrum cap. They also offer protection against abrasions to the head but studies show that they are not sufficient for mitigating concussions.
Ear Muffs
Shooting sports produce noise levels of up to 150 decibels. Race drivers, on the other hand, have to contend with about 115 decibels of vibration and wind noises. In both scenarios, without noise-canceling earphones, there is an elevated
risk of hearing damage and even deafness.
Other sports that require ear muffs include surfing and skiing. The goal is to protect the ear from water and high-velocity wind that could both affect ear health. Water, in particular, when trapped in the ear could result in infections.
Protective Padding
The idea of protective padding is akin to the airbag concept. The padding is made of a multi-layered structure often with plastic on the exterior and layers of high-tech foam underneath it. During impact, each layer helps dissipate the force before it reaches the body thereby minimizing the risk of injury.
American football players are the most prevalent users of
all-round physical padding. They are clad in it from head to toe. However, other sports use it too albeit in smaller units. Shin pads, for instance, are widely used by soccer players. Knee and elbow pads are equally useful for a variety of sports.
Sporting Goggles
At first glance, they may seem like an edgy fashion statement but sporting goggles are protective gear. That said, not all sporting goggles are equal. They vary depending on the sport. Examples include:
Swimming Goggles
Do your eyes get bloodshot, dry, or irritated after a swim? That is a clear sign that you need swimming goggles. Water in pools is treated with chlorine which is great for killing germs but not so much for the eyes. As such, if you swim often or professionally, it is best to protect your eyes from long-term side-effects.
Swimming goggles are designed with a protective plastic seal between your eyes and the lens which keeps out the water. They make underwater swimming far more comfortable and prevent allergies and possible eye infections.
Motorsports Goggles
Motorsport races are high-speed events. Wind and debris tossed up on the trail could easily get into the eye and cause damage or even accidents. Motorsport goggles protect your eyes during races but a better brand should also protect you in case of accidents. For this to be possible, they would need to be shatterproof and helmet-compatible, which is a feat most manufacturers struggle with. See this website for some cool designs that meet motorsport standards. Thermal Wear
Winter sports are a saving grace if you would like to stay active during the holidays. Nevertheless, they also present a risk of cold-related ailments like frostbite and hypothermia, which can be life-threatening. Thus, you need to be very warmly dressed to participate safely.
Thermal wear is clothing made from
highly-insulative fabrics. It is essential for skiing, ice-hockey, and similar sports. For better flexibility, thermal wear is worn in multiple layers as opposed to one overly heavy item of clothing.
The angst and competitive spirit that makes sports so exciting should always be tempered with safety. No one should ever have to risk their life for a trophy. Sporting safety should always be a non-negotiable priority for both fans and athletes.