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5 Most Common Types of Commercial Door Locks

Commercial Door Locks
As a business owner, you cannot deny the importance of the door locks. If you are concerned about your office's security, you need to install a high-security door lock system. To ensure that you are building the safest environment in your office, you must reach a reliable commercial locksmith in Melbourne. These door locks are the best defense against burglars and intruders. However, installing door locks is the first thing to provide security to your commercial building.

Locks are essential to any security. For the best results, you should install the best type of door locks. When it comes to commercial buildings, you have to be more careful. Various kinds of commercial door locks are available in the market. Each type of lock has its uses and features, and each type is beneficial in its way. You should install the lock, knowing your business needs.

Some locks work better for the residential buildings are some are perfect for the commercial one. Let’s have a look at the most common types of door locks that are perfect to opt for commercial buildings.

Cylindrical Lever Lock

These types of locks are very common among commercial door locks. You may have come into contact with this type of lock without even knowing what it was. These locks are not particularly for the commercial building, but you may have seen in a residential property. However, the property manager or the homeowner can directly request the locksmith to install this type of lock.

The cylindrical lever lock is operated with a key or combined use of a key and the push button. For this type of lock, the push button is placed on the interior. However, the keyed end is placed outside to determine who has access from the exterior.

Mortise Lock

Mortise locks are the most popular ones. The reason behind the popularity of these locks is their durability and reliability. When it comes to commercial property, these locks prove to be the best choice. These locks stand up well to constant and consistent use. Moreover, these locks are ideal for areas that have high volumes of foot traffic.

As far as the commercial lock goes, mortise locks are impressive, and working is even more. As these locks are durable, it makes an ideal option for most of the business owners. The deadbolt of this lock is placed within the lock body, making it less accessible and more resistant to forced entry. Moreover, the mortise lock is long-lasting as well.

Keypad Door Lock

You may have seen keypad locks outside apartments are commercial properties. These locks provide a unique set of features that make it a better option for commercial buildings. Keypad door lock allows you to secure your commercial property where you have let a great number of employees to enter.

Keypad door locks allow several users to gain access to the lock without having to provide anyone a key. This increases the level of security. Certain keypad locks are entirely keyless, which means that the lock cannot be picked, bypassed, or bumped by traditional methods. However, these keyless keypad door locks need biometric lock feature. The business owner should ask the locksmith to install the cylindrical door lock as a backup.

Crash Bars/Panic Bars

Panic bars or cash bars are not as popular as the above-mentioned door locks are. These locks are the newest of all, and they have been in use for quite some time. The panic bars function differently from the traditional commercial door locks. These locks are pretty much keyless, and they do not need any cylinder or rotary motion. The panic bar is operated with the use of a connected handle or a bar. Avail of the rekeys of locks Torrance CA to get these locks installed.

Panic or crash bars are used in emergencies. Moreover, these locks last longer than others. You will see these locks installed in some residential buildings and incorporates them into various safety plans. However, panic bars require attention when it comes to maintenance. Improper maintenance can lead to mishaps and accidents.

Commercial Electric Strike Lock

As the name indicates, these are the electronic locks that provide the maximum security to the commercial property. These types of locks have gained popularity over time. These locks are perfect for securing your workplace or a store in a market. Besides, these locks come in handy on the buildings that experience a lot of daily foot traffic. The electrical strike lock allows the company to restrict access.

Last Words:

You must pay proper attention to the security of your workplace. Make sure you choose the right type of lock which meets your security needs. Moreover, take the office size into account as well while selecting the correct type of lock.

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