Tips to Pick the Right Shoe for Nursing Duty

Nursing is a rewarding occupation, albeit a stressful one. It calls for a lot of standing up and walking between the patients. As a result, nurses suffer from tired feet, which may obstruct their duties.

Proper nursing shoes can prevent this exhaustion from rapidly moving up your body, sometimes even to your head. Wearing supportive and comfortable footwear is necessary for optimal foot care and good health.

nursing shoe

What Makes a Shoe Right for You?


Nursing calls for situations when you are required to carry and support patients. However, overexertion is known to be the primary cause of injuries suffered by healthcare workers. Hence, good shoes are a must for safe patient handling.

In this regard, clogs provide excellent support when compared to trainers. They have a sturdy interior and help in proper support of ankles and feet. Also, your shoe must help to defend your back while handling the patients.

This is especially crucial if you are suffering from lower backache. Wearing unsupportive nursing shoes can put additional stress on your already-troubled back.

Personal Considerations

Shoe requirements for every nurse are unique and can depend on a lot of personal considerations. Some of them include:
  • Past or present injuries
  • Bodyweight
  • Personal biomechanics
  • Preferences of personal comfort

The number of working hours. For instance, if you are working a 40-hour week schedule, or for 500 miles of walking, your shoes may need replacing twice a year. Nurses with chronic injuries or pain may need to replace their shoes more often.

Arch Support

Problems with arches can be easily corrected with the right kind of supportive footwear. For instance, an arch that is too low with feet may roll when you walk. If you have a high arch, consider choosing footwear that comes with extra cushioning. However, some cases like severe bunions, flat feet, or legs of different lengths may call for specialized orthotics intervention.

Find the Right Size

Quite naturally, you need to find a shoe of the right size. Its length must be long enough not to pressurize your toes. As nurses are always on the move, feet swelling becomes a common problem to battle. Here, the shoe must be wide enough to accommodate a swelling foot. Hence, don't make adjustments with the size of your shoe.

Shoes With a Wider Toe Box

Your toes need some stretching during your day. With this requirement, even a comfortable shoe can begin to cause pain halfway through your shift. You can address this problem by buying nursing shoes with a full toe box. Shoes with reinforced toes also make for an excellent choice because they protect your feet when anything falls on them.


Nurses are highly agile with constant movement between the wards. Spillage in these wards is a common phenomenon, and you must be protected against a fall. Pick a shoe that is skid-proof and helps you stand firm on your feet.

Nursing is a profession that demands long hours on your feet. Proper footwear is hence vital to avoid foot pain or accelerate any existing health issues. These measures can come handy when you are overwhelmed with the choices in the market.