Unibisco is the first company to be exposed as having allegedly failed to disburse money claimed from the Unemployment Insurance Fund Covid-19 relief fund to its employees.​

Labour minister Thulas Nxesi named and shamed the biscuit manufacturer after hundreds of workers this week were up in arms after they were not paid.

The Covid-19 Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme (TERS) has been set up by the government to give assistance by offering special payouts to people who have been affected.

Workers are entitled to a maximum of R6,730 a month, with a minimum of R3,500, depending on their salaries. More than 100,000 payments to companies have already been paid by the scheme.

To check if your employer is one of them, you can download the full list by clicking here to visit the UIF-Covid-19 TERS national disaster application system website.
check your employer received Covid-19 UIF funding


Check using UIF Reference Number or Id Number https://uifecc.labour.gov.za/covid19/paymentStatusJsp

The full list of all companies paid by the UIF is also available on https://uifecc.labour.gov.za/covid19/ or people can call UIF on the toll-free number 0800 030 007.

The call for companies to pass on the benefits to workers comes as the UIF has disbursed R 10.7bn in relief benefits.

"This amount is for the benefit of 1,924,060 employees through 156,831 employers."

Other payments have been effected through the bargaining councils for 56,641 employees represented by 909 employers. They have been paid a total of R155m.