Spring Cleaning

When the weather starts to warm up, it’s time for spring-cleaning to begin. Spring cleaning may seem like a dreadful task, but there are ways to make it easier for you. Here are some Spring cleaning tips that you can do.

Set a Schedule

Assess your home to identify areas that need most work. You’ll find that these are the places that you often skip when you’re doing routine cleaning, which makes them the best places to start. Setting a schedule and a plan to tackle these areas is a great idea to kick off your spring cleaning. If you can’t stick to a consistent schedule, supplement your cleaning cycle with a subscription cleaning service to help pick up the slack.

Work Your Way From Top to Bottom

To make your spring cleaning successful, start from top to bottom — and this means cleaning from the top all the way down. By doing this, you prevent re-dusting or re-cleaning because the dust and debris are forced downward.

Clean Walls & Windows

Dust settles on walls and windows, too. Don’t skip these things in your home. Use a damp towel to wipe down your walls from top to bottom. If you have window screens at home, remove and wipe them. You might feel tempted to use chemical cleaners for your windows, but it’s best to use a steam cleaner with a squeegee instead.

Clean Your Kitchen

Spring cleaning in your kitchen is one of the most dreadful tasks. But now is the time to clean it thoroughly. Start with your cabinets and wipe them down. Go through your refrigerator and pantry, and start throwing old items. For stainless steel appliances, only use gentle cleaners or steam cleaners.

Clean Your Bathroom

Start by changing your shower curtain, and then go through your cabinets. Throw out any expired items. You might also want to add items in your bathroom such as a new bathroom fan. A bathroom fan helps ventilate moisture during showers and it can remove odor and vapor.

Clean Carpets

Your carpet has absorbed a lot of dirt, germs, and body oil during the winter season, which means that it needs a deep spring cleaning to get it ready for another year. You can shampoo your carpet on your own or hire a professional carpet cleaner. 

Clean Ceiling Fixtures

If you have ceiling fans, clean them to remove dust. Do this as well to your air-conditioner vents. To clean your ceiling fixtures, you only need to use a cloth and a vacuum with a soft nozzle attachment.

Sanitize Sinks

A part of an effective spring cleaning when it comes to your sinks is to sanitize them. Use EPA-registered disinfectant products to sanitize it. You can also use your own. All you need to do is clean your sink with soap and water first, spray vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, and then simply let it air-dry. For stainless steel sinks, you can add an extra shine to it by putting a few drops of mineral oil.

Are you ready to do some spring cleaning? With these tips, you sure are!