Ovarian Cancer in Girls

Ovarian cancer is the rarest cancer form that constitutes 1% of childhood malignancies. But over the last decade, the cases of ovarian tumors is ascending at an alarming rate.

Ovarian cancer is hard to diagnose as the majority of symptoms are somewhat similar to common health problems such as bloating and indigestion.

In a nutshell, it is complicated to detect ovarian tumors at an initial stage from a general physical examination.

It has been seen that several cases of this cancer type were undetected until the tumor spreads to the patient's abdomen. This is perhaps a big reason for the death rate of ovarian cancer is quite high among women.

And, in the US alone, 14,000 out of 21,000 ovarian cancer die every year.

Ovarian cancer that has spread the ovaries of the female body is complicated to eradicate. With that said, if the tumor in the ovaries is detected, this cancer is treatable with a combination of surgery & chemotherapy.

While there is no screening test for ovarian cancer, the possible symptoms are as follows:-

  • Pain Around the Pelvis & Tummy That Isn't Related to the Period
  • Feeling Persistently Bloated at Times
  • Struggling to Eat as Children Feel Full Quickly
If your children are experiencing the above symptoms, then don't wait or hesitate to get her checked right away.

Risk Factors That Contribute to Ovarian Cancer

There are a number of factors that increase an individual's odds of developing this cancer in her ovaries.


While, the ovarian tumors can develop at any point in a female's life, be in her early teenhood or in the late forties. 

As per the American Cancer Society, about half of the ovarian cases in the United States of America in females above the age of 63.

However, the cases of ovarian cancer in young girls is increasing with each passing year.


Numerous medical studies and research in the recent past have reached a perception that women with a BMI above 31 have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. Similarly, baby girls born with higher weight have a greater risk of developing ovarian tumors at an early age.

Family History

A baby girl with a mother, sister, grandmother, or aunt with has/had ovarian tumors have a higher risk of developing this disease.

Just like for any other cancer form, inherited genes may impact your risk of developing the ovarian tumor. So, if anyone in your family has or had ovarian cancer, then risk does soar up.

How is it Diagnosed?

The doctor will examine your baby girl internally to feel any swelling or lump in the ovaries. If further tests are required, the doctor will refer to a specialist who will conduct a blood test, MRI scans, ultrasound, and a CT scan to diagnose ovarian cancer.

The motive of the blood test is to see for the sudden spike in the amount of protein produced by the ovarian. Whereas, the CT and MRI scan will help the doctor detect the lumps and swelling in the ovary. 

How is it Treated?

A treatment that is composed of surgery and chemotherapy will be prescribed by the doctor to treat ovarian cancer in children.

If ovarian cancer is detected at an early stage, then only surgery will be required to get rid of the lump in the ovary and the connected Fallopian tube.

On the other hand, for an advanced stage ovarian tumor, the doctor will advise your baby girl to undergo several extensive surgeries, along with chemotherapy sessions before and after the surgery to lower the risk of tumor coming back.

Baby Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer- Is There Any Any Medical Link?

Baby Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

In the recent past, there has been a lot of debate going with regard to the talcum powder lawsuits filed against trusted cosmetic brand in the global market. Many moms apply talcum powder on the genitals is one reason their baby girl develops ovarian cancer. 

Talc powder helps in preventing diaper rash and infections in baby girls, but its long-term use can cause cancer.

While there is no clear cut scientific evidence on talcum powder cancer, but the American Cancer Society has released an advisory to reduce the daily use of talc powder.

Final Thoughts

From the above, you probably come to know everything about ovarian cancer, but the heart of the matter is its early detection.

So, if you or anyone in your family is experiencing the symptoms related to ovarian cancer, get it diagnosed right away!