Benefits of Salmon Roe

Salmon roe or red caviar is prepared from raw salmon caviar of Chum salmon, Sockeye salmon, Pink salmon, Coho salmon, Trout, and Chinook salmon. Different salmon eggs have various sizes and colors. If you are wondering how to distinguish kinds of red caviar, or which option is best to buy and good for your health, please follow the information below.

Salmon Roe Sizes

  • Trout roe: diameter of eggs is 2-3 mm
  • Pink salmon, Sockeye salmon, and Coho salmon: diameter of eggs is 3-5 mm
  • Chum salmon and Chinook salmon roe: diameter of eggs is 5-7 mm

Salmon Roe Colors

  • Pink salmon roe is amber-colored
  • Chum salmon roe has a golden-orange tint
  • Sockeye salmon and Coho salmon caviar have a bright red color
  • Trout roe color is ruby
  • Chinook salmon color is yellowish-orange to dark reddish-orange

Salmon Roe Nutrition Value

There are multiple beneficial properties of red salmon roe. Red roe is one of the most nourishing products having excellent nutritional value. 0.22lb of black caviar contains 280 Kcal, while 0.22lb of red roe - 270 Kcal. For comparison: the same amount of medium-fat meat gives only 120 Kcal. For example, 0.22lb of milk contains only 70 Kcal. One of the main advantages of a red roe is that it is absorbed quickly by the human body. 

So, red caviar is a useful delicacy that affects the formation of red blood cells in a body, normalizes metabolism and blood sugar, and also regulates cholesterol metabolism. Rich in protein and fats that can be easily digested, this caviar contains everything necessary for the full development and functioning of the human body:

  • Lecithin (neutralizes bad cholesterol)
  • Vitamins E, D, B and A
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  • Protein (provides a full range of amino acids)
  • Iodine

It is good to remember that the nutrients contained in red salmon caviar act intensively on the skin, preventing the aging process and restoring the affected areas.

However, red salmon roe, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, still contains salt. Therefore, people who are prone to edema or suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease are recommended to watch the norm. The general recommendation of doctors – red caviar is beneficial for health. But it is proper to consume black or red caviar not more often than 1-2 times a week.

How Does Salmon Roe Taste?

You can actually “see” the taste of red salmon roe. The main sign of a quality product is beautiful appearance: even eggs of the same size, light, transparent to the lumen, without excess fluid, not wrinkled, without any burst single roes.

Salmon roe is harvested both in the sea and in rivers during salmon landing. This factor gives the red caviar a unique sweet and salty rich flavor. The higher the fish went up the river, until the caught moment, the more it spawned, the more mature and hard the egg would be, and the better it would keep its shape and taste.

Another distinguishing feature of tasty and high-quality salmon roe is the so-called “eye” on the egg. It is a speck in the center of a darker color than the egg itself.

Trout roe is usually a bit sticky and quite salty, so it is often used in recipes with creamy or sour-milk products: cream, cheese, or sour cream.

Sockeye salmon roe has a distinct taste of slight bitterness. It is smaller than caviar of chum salmon and trout, so it is suitable for sandwiches.

Red Roe and Weight Loss Dieting

Specialists in the field of weight loss advise people who are on a diet to eat red caviar. This product is recommended for athletes because it contains a large amount of useful protein, which helps to form muscles and gives the body an extra boost of energy.

Red caviar is a nutritious and nourishing product, even a small dose of it is enough to be saturated and saved from the exhausting feeling of hunger for a while. It is recommended to eat red caviar in the morning on an empty stomach or putting it on a half of boiled or hard-boiled eggs.

The red caviar consumption during slimming diet can be extremely useful: it contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, they normalize metabolism, remove toxins, fill up the balance lost in limiting nutrition. Red caviar has the property to raise the mood and tone of the body, it is especially important during weight loss diets, because during this period the body experiences severe stress and a person has a risk of depression.

Red Caviar On the Menu of Therapeutic Diets

In addition to slimming diets, there are therapeutic diets. And in this case, the decision whether to eat red caviar on a diet is made by the doctor individually, depending on the diagnosis. Caviar is included in the treatment menu for people struggling with diabetes, pregnant women, patients after surgery, patients with anemia, people with broken bones.

But in some cases, red caviar is strictly prohibited. The doctors advise to exclude it from the treatment menu for the following diagnoses:

  • Caviar allergy
  • Pancreatitis
  • Gastritis
  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Cholecystitis
  • Urolithiasis

The use of red roe in these diagnoses can be dangerous to health due to a large amount of mineral salts contained in the product.

Eat caviar in recommended quantities and stay healthy! Here you can choose high-quality red caviar from the best suppliers.