Dog Paw Problems And Symptoms

Dogs love running, walking and fetching but they hate wearing boots. The responsibility of caring for the paws of the pet falls on the pet-owner. In addition to insulating the paws, pads aid with balance and offer traction to slow down and stop. Pads serve the purpose of shock absorbers for joints and bones of the feet. Though paws are naturally durable to withstand wear and tear due to running and other activities, paw pad issues are not uncommon. You can fine solutions by searching results by Paws & Snout.

You can use dog paw balm to protect pads. Still, it is good to be aware of the symptoms and causes of different paw issues and injuries.


  • Limping or lameness
  • Chewing and licking the affected paw(s)
  • Hair loss
  • Lesions and discharge
  • Red and inflamed paws
  • Ulcers with blisters and scabbing
  • Abrasions, cuts and tears
  • Dry/cracked pads
  • Cracked and torn nails
  • Loose flaps of skin
  • Refusal to bear weight
  • Cysts and growths
  • Foul smell
  • Bleeding 



Allergies in dogs cause itchiness in the paws. Dogs often chew, lick or bite on their paws to get relief from the itching. You can also notice anal gland issues and ear and skin infections. Excessive licking increases the risk of secondary fungal and bacterial infections. Let a veterinarian evaluate your pet’s paw.
Fungal and Bacterial Infections
Fungi and bacteria normally live there on paws. It is the out of control growth that causes infection. Both infections are very common and usually affect the paws. Pain, itching, drainage, swelling, redness, chewing and licking are signs of fungal and bacterial infections. Most of the time, infections occur between the skin folds. You can also notice nail discoloration. Yeast and ringworm are common causes of fungal infections. 

Nail Issues

  • Long toenails, ingrown nails and torn nails are the common nail issues.
  • There are negative consequences of long nails. It is not easy to walk with long nails.
  • Nails trimmed improperly become painful ingrown toenails.
  • Torn nails often bleed and are very painful. 

Dry and Cracked Pads

Rough paw pads are susceptible to hot pavement, chemicals, wintery conditions, dry air, excessive licking and exposure to the rough surface. All these can cause cracked paws. Dry, cracked paws are not only painful but also increases the risk of infection. 

Burns and Blisters

Don't take your dog outside for a walk when it’s too hot. Touch the pavement with your hand. If you cannot hold your palm on the pavement, keep your pet away from the pavement. Otherwise, the hot pavement will burn your pet’s pads. Pads will be red, swollen or blistered. You can use dog paw balm to prevent and cure burns and blisters. 

Cuts and Abrasions

Play, walk and run on different terrains. Sharp objects on the ground can cause cuts and abrasions. So, always keep an eye on the surface when you and your dog go for a walk. Broken glass, burrs, sticks and small rocks can cause these problems. 


Ticks hiding between the toes cause infection and pain and many other problems. It is important to get to the vet. 

Cysts And Growth

These problems occur in-between the toes or on paws. If you spot any of these problems, contact a veterinarian for treatment.