Bathrooms are among the most intimate areas where we start and end our day. They typically don’t get the best natural lighting and need a lot of attention while designing. Despite this, people tend to give little attention to the lighting fixtures in the bathroom. The lighting chosen for the bathroom space must be appealing and peaceful. Skillfully done bathroom lighting will create a relaxing and destressing spa-like space. Here are a few bathroom lighting ideas to make it look spacious and welcoming.

1. Bright Lights with Dimmers

Bright Lights with Dimmers

The bathroom space must be lit up brightly to use at any time of the day to do your regular business of shower, washing, and shaving. To make this happen, you should install bright lights. However, this can appear too harsh when you want to sit back and relax in your bathtub. So, for leisure time in your bathroom, use dimmers. Bright lights with dimmers allow you to adjust the brightness and transform the bathroom to suit your mood. You can dim the lights for your morning routine without being hit by the bright sunlight. For a night-time routine, the dimmers give a candlelight effect for a romantic and relaxing bath.

Integrating bright lights with dimmers is a fantastic way to achieve energy efficiency and lighting versatility. Dimmers allow you to adjust the light intensity to suit different moods and activities, which can enhance the ambiance of a room while also conserving energy. Here are some benefits and considerations for using dimmers with bright lights:


  • Energy Savings: Dimming lights can significantly reduce energy consumption. For example, dimming a light by 50% can save nearly 40% in electricity and extend the bulb’s life.
  • Ambiance Control: With dimmers, you can create a range of atmospheres in a room, from bright and vibrant to soft and cozy.
  • Extended Bulb Life: Dimming extends the life of bulbs, especially LEDs, as it reduces thermal stress on the lighting components.


  • Compatibility: Ensure that the bulbs are compatible with the dimmer switch. Not all LED bulbs are dimmable, so check the packaging or product specifications.
  • Wiring: Some older homes may need wiring upgrades to support modern dimmer switches.
  • Type of Dimmer: There are different types of dimmer switches, such as integrated, slide, rotary, or smart dimmers. Choose one that fits your needs and preferences.
When setting up bright lights with dimmers, it’s also important to consider the bulbs' color temperature. Dimming can sometimes change the perceived color temperature, making the light appear warmer. This can be a desirable effect in living spaces but may not be suitable for task-oriented areas where a consistent color temperature is needed for accurate color perception.

Overall, using dimmers with bright lights is an excellent way to gain control over your lighting environment while being mindful of energy use and costs. If you want more detailed information or guidance on setting up such a system, feel free to ask!

2. Mood Lighting for Ambience

The use of mood lightings creates a soothing and satisfying atmosphere in the space. Using warm or yellow lights sets the mood magically. Pendant lights are the right choice to get this effect. The best way to apply it is by choosing the zone to test it and effectively using it to create drama. Install soft lights for a warm and cozy spa-like mood. Contact Drymaster Systems while you’re in the mood to clean the bathroom & enjoy cleaning with a great lighting ambiance.

Mood lighting is a powerful tool for creating ambiance in any space. It involves using different lighting techniques, colors, and intensities to evoke specific emotions and set the desired mood. Here are some ways to use mood lighting to enhance the ambiance:
  • Warm and Cozy: Soft, warm lights can create a cozy, intimate atmosphere, perfect for relaxing or socializing. Dimmable LED bulbs in lamps or sconces can provide this effect.
  • Bright and Energetic: Bright, colorful lights can bring a lively vibe to a room, suitable for parties or creative workspaces.
  • Romantic Atmosphere: A combination of low-intensity lighting with a warm color temperature can add a romantic touch to dinners or special occasions.
  • Focused and Calm: Cool white lights can help create an atmosphere of focus and concentration, ideal for reading or studying.
Intelligent lighting systems like Philips Hue offer a range of mood lighting options, including professionally designed scenes, dynamic color changes, and effects like a roaring fireplace or twinkling stars1. These systems let you personalize your lighting with a tap, transforming your home to match your mood and style.

To get started with mood lighting:

  • Choose the right type of lights (e.g., bulbs, strips, table lamps) for your space.
  • Consider smart lighting options for ease of control and customization.
  • Experiment with different colors and intensities to find what works best for you.
Remember, the goal is to create a space that feels right for you, whether it’s for relaxation, entertainment, or productivity. Mood lighting can significantly contribute to the overall feel of your home or workspace, making it a worthwhile investment for enhancing your daily life and experiences.

3. Layered Lighting

Layered Lighting

Layered lighting is the technique of using three types of lighting to light up space effectively. Start with the vintage-inspired bathroom ceiling lights that work well in the vanity space. Then, use task lighting depending on the function, like shaving or makeup. Accent lightings like pendant lights, backlit mirrors, or profile lights can be helpful to light up bathroom features. All the lights work together to create a well-lit space.

Layered lighting is a design strategy that combines multiple types of lighting to create a well-balanced and functional space. It typically involves three main types of lighting:
  • Ambient Lighting: This is the general, overall light that illuminates a room. It’s often provided by ceiling fixtures, chandeliers, or recessed lights.
  • Task Lighting: As the name suggests, task lighting is focused on specific areas to provide light for tasks like reading, cooking, or working.
  • Accent Lighting: This type of lighting highlights architectural features, artwork, or other important elements within a space.
Here’s how you can apply layered lighting in a room:
  • Start with ambient lighting to set the base level of illumination.
  • Add task lighting in areas where you perform specific activities that require more light.
  • Use accent lighting to draw attention to the room's features you want to emphasize.
  • Consider the use of dimmer switches to adjust the lighting levels and create different moods at different times of the day.
By combining these layers, you can create a dynamic and flexible lighting scheme that can be adjusted to suit any occasion or activity. It’s also aesthetically pleasing and can make a space more inviting and comfortable. Remember to consider each light source's color temperature and brightness to ensure they work harmoniously together.

4. LED for Energy Efficiency

LED lights are the most affordable, energy-efficient, and natural lighting choice. They are also very convenient to install. For a green room look, you can use LED string lights around the mirrors in your bathroom. You can also combine LED lighting with incandescent bulbs for textured lighting.

LEDs, or Light-Emitting Diodes, are a highly energy-efficient lighting technology. They use at least 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs1. This efficiency not only reduces electricity bills but also significantly impacts the environment by decreasing energy consumption.

Here are some key points about LEDs:

  • Energy Savings: LEDs can save a substantial amount of energy. For instance, widespread use of LED lighting in the United States could save about 569 terawatt-hours annually by 2035, which is equivalent to the output of over 92 power plants1.
  • Longevity: A high-quality LED bulb can last 3 to 5 times longer than a CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) and 30 times longer than an incandescent bulb1.
  • Heat Emission: LEDs emit very little heat compared to incandescent bulbs, which release 90% of their energy as heat, and CFLs, which release about 80%1.
  • Directional Lighting: LEDs emit light in a specific direction, which makes them more efficient for many uses as they don’t require reflectors and diffusers to direct the light1.
LED technology continues to advance, leading to increased product availability, improved manufacturing efficiency, and lower prices. This makes LED lighting a smart choice for both residential and commercial applications2. Whether it’s for street lights, task lighting, or home use, LEDs offer a versatile and sustainable lighting solution

5. Task Lighting for Zones

A bathroom has a dry zone and a wet zone. You can further categorize it into the vanity mirror, dressing zone, toilet, and showering area. Since you won’t be using all these zones simultaneously, you require different types of lighting to cast light. Task lighting is appropriate in a bathroom, significantly above the washbasin, for brushing teeth, face wash, and shaving. You can also use them on the vanity mirror zone.

Here’s how task lighting can be effectively used for different zones:

  • Workspaces: In areas like home offices or study zones, task lighting should be bright enough to prevent eye strain. Desk lamps or adjustable LED lights are ideal for these spaces.
  • Kitchens: Under-cabinet lighting can provide focused illumination for countertops where food preparation takes place.
  • Reading Areas: A floor lamp with a directional head can offer comfortable lighting for reading without causing glare on the pages.
  • Crafting Zones: Bright, shadow-free lighting is essential for detailed work. LED strip lights or articulated arm lamps can be very useful.
  • Vanity Areas: For grooming tasks, lighting from both sides of the mirror can reduce shadows on the face.

When planning task lighting, consider the following:

  • Brightness: The light should be bright enough to prevent eye strain but not so bright that it causes glare.
  • Color Temperature: Warmer lights (2700K – 3000K) are typically more comfortable for relaxing activities, while cooler lights (3500K – 5000K) are better for concentration and detail work.
  • Adjustability: Being able to adjust the intensity and direction of light is beneficial for adapting to different tasks and preferences.
Remember, the goal of task lighting is to enhance visual clarity and prevent fatigue, so it’s important to choose the right fixtures and bulbs for each zone to create an efficient and comfortable environment.

6. Backlighting

The backlighting highlights the elements in the bathroom. They create a knockout impression when added to the room. They look fabulous when used in backlit panels and around mirrors. Backlit mirrors provide even lighting to your face, which is ideal for applying makeup, styling, or shaving. If you have any paintings in the bathroom, then backlighting them gives a classic modern feel. Plus, backlighting an object creates a sense of depth, as if the thing is coming off the wall.

Backlighting is a lighting technique that provides light from behind the subject, object, or scene to create a glowing effect on the edges. This technique is often used in various settings to create depth, interest, and contrast. Here are some applications and benefits of backlighting:
  • Visual Display Units: Backlighting is commonly used in devices like TVs, computer monitors, and digital displays to enhance screen visibility.
  • Architecture and Interior Design: It can create a dramatic effect by highlighting textures, shapes, and silhouettes, adding depth to the design.
  • Photography and Cinematography: Backlighting can separate the subject from the background, providing a three-dimensional look.
  • Safety and Navigation: It’s used in vehicle dashboards, keypads, and signage for clarity and visibility in low-light conditions.
When implementing backlighting, it’s important to consider the following:
  • Intensity: The brightness should be enough to create the desired effect without overwhelming the viewer.
  • Diffusion: Proper diffusion is necessary to avoid harsh shadows and ensure a smooth transition of light.
  • Color Temperature: The color of the backlight can affect the mood and visual comfort of the space.
Backlighting can be achieved using various light sources, including LED strips, which are energy-efficient and offer a range of colors and intensities. They can be easily installed behind objects or along the edges of furniture and fixtures to create a modern and sophisticated ambiance.

If you’re considering adding backlighting to your space or project, consider the purpose and the atmosphere you want to create. It’s a versatile technique that can enhance any environment's functionality and aesthetics.

7. Recessed Lights for Focus Lighting

Recessed lights are usually placed downwards under a false ceiling. They help light up the whole space as they cast light downwards. They reflect light above mirrors, jacuzzis, tubs, or shower areas. You can use a wrought iron chandelier for a soft glow effect over your bathtub. They are available in different colours, too. However, avoid using recessed lighting above a mirror as it would throw intense, focused light on your forehead and cast shadows on the rest of your face.

Recessed lights are a popular choice for focus lighting due to their ability to provide a clean, streamlined look while directing light precisely where it’s needed. Here are some key points to consider when using recessed lights for focus lighting:
  • Directional Output: Many recessed lights come with adjustable trims that allow you to direct the light to a specific area or object, such as artwork or a workspace1.
  • Trim Types: The trim is the visible part of the light and can affect its quality and direction. For focus lighting, consider a trim that allows for a narrow beam spread.
  • Brightness: Ensure the lights are bright enough for the task at hand. LED recessed lights are a great option as they offer high brightness with lower energy consumption.
  • Color Temperature: Choose a color temperature that suits the focus area. Cooler temperatures are often better for concentration and visibility in workspaces.
  • Installation: Recessed lights should be strategically placed to avoid casting shadows on the area you want to illuminate. It’s also important to know whether you need new construction, remodel, or retrofit housing.
Recessed lighting can be used effectively in various settings, from residential to commercial spaces, and is great for creating a focused, unobtrusive lighting solution. If you’re considering installing recessed lights or would like more detailed advice on planning your lighting layout, feel free to ask!

Task lighting is a critical component in designing a well-lit space, especially when it comes to creating zones for specific activities. 


The lighting in the bathroom should primarily coordinate with the tiles and paint in the space. The purpose of task lights and ceiling lights must be to compliment you. Instead of cluttering all the lights in one direction, the bathroom lights must be evenly dispersed to avoid uneven illumination. Use opaque or frosted bulbs to prevent the shadow formation of bright bulbs with filaments. When choosing the type of lighting, ensure it’s soft, flattering, and comfortable to use at any time of the day.