Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a type of disease that causes areas of skin to become inflamed, itchy, and red. Although it is not very deadly, it can be cured using creams, natural products, and dietary and lifestyle changes to prevent it. Here are some home remedies that will help you avoid eczema, but if this doesn’t work, book your appointment at your nearby eczema specialist in London.
Here is a list of natural substances that can help you manage the symptoms and prevent eczema flares.
Apple cider vinegar
There are many benefits of having apple cider vinegar, and it is also a popular home remedy for many conditions, including skin disorders. The NEA or National Eczema Association recommends using apple cider vinegar to treat the disease but with caution because the vinegar’s acids can damage soft tissue. However, you might know that vinegar is highly acidic and the skin is also naturally acidic. But the skin of people with eczema’s skin is less acidic compared to others. This weakens the skin’s defenses. So, applying diluted apple cider vinegar to your skin could help balance its acidity levels.
How to use it?
First, dilute the apple cider vinegar before applying it to the skin. Moreover, you can also use apple cider vinegar in wet wraps or baths as well.
To use it in wet wrap, you need to:
Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of warm water.
Apply this solution with the help of cotton to the affected area
Leave the piece of the cotton and cover that area for about 3 hours.
To use apple cider vinegar in your bath, you need to:
Add about 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to your warm water.
Soak yourself for about 15-20 minutes and rinse yourself thoroughly.
At last, moisturize yourself after leaving the bath.
Aloe vera gel
After apple cider vinegar, aloe vera is another natural product that has many benefits. People have been using aloe vera for centuries to treat several ailments. One such ailment is to soothe eczema. Moreover, aloe vera is loaded with the following properties:
Immune system-boosting
Wound-healing and many more.
The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of aloe vera prevent skin infections that appear when a person has dry or cracked skin.
How to use?
You can buy aloe vera gel from the online stores or brick and mortar stores or use the gel directly from the aloe vera plant. After that, start with a small amount of gel to check skin sensitivity. After checking, you can apply it every 2-3 hours on your eczema.
Coconut oil
Another great product is coconut oil that contains many healthy fatty acids that can add moisture to the skin that can help you in dry skin and eczema. Further, virgin coconut oil also protects the skin by helping combat inflammation by improving the health of the skin barrier. Moreover, the results suggest that virgin coconut improves the symptoms of eczema better than mineral oil.
How to use?
After bathing, apply cold-pressed virgin coconut oil directly to the skin. You can also use it before bed to keep the skin moisturized overnight.
Everyone knows that honey is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that people are using it for many years. While some studies show that honey can help heal wounds and boost immune system function. Moreover, honey is also helpful in treating various skin ailments such as burns and wounds.
For eczema patients, you can apply honey on the wounds to prevent infection and help speedy healing.
How to use?
Apply honey on the affected area in a small amount. While you can also buy natural honey products that are designed for wound care and skin application.
Wrapping up
All remedies mentioned in the above article are 100% natural, so it won’t affect any side effects on your skin. However, even after all the natural remedies, eczema doesn’t go then you should visit your nearest skin specialist in London.
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