Natural Super Foods

Superfoods are those kinds of foods that are not only filled with tons of nutrients but are also a sure way of getting better health. Typically, they work to improve your immune system, while also helping you keep your weight in control.

Let’s explore the world of deliciously healthy foods together.



Berries are filled with amazing benefits, like antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The fact that they are full of antioxidants means that the risk of heart disease is much reduced for those consuming them on a regular basis. In addition, their antioxidant capacity brings a reduced risk of cancer and inflammatory conditions with it. They have also been reported to work beautifully for treating loads of different disorders that are related to the immune system, as well as some that are related to the digestive system. Examples of amazing berries include: cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and blueberries. Enjoy them in salads or smoothies, or as a snack, on their own.



Kratom, like the one you can find on Sacredkratom comes from the leaves of the tree with the same name, which are made into a powder that offers a huge variety of benefits. There are loads of different options for you to try, such as kratom extract, which offers much more powerful benefits than the regular form. In terms of its specific benefits, depending on the strain you get, you can get cough relief, help with making opiate withdrawal easier, lowering depression and anxiety, as well as getting some relief from chronic pain.



Legumes, also known as pulses are made up of things like lentils, peanuts, beans, peas, and alfalfa. They are considered superfoods because they come with plenty of nutrients and are great at keeping a variety of health issues at bay. They don’t only offer a ton of proteins and fibers, but they also bring you vitamin B as well as a few different minerals. There are studies done that suggest they help with managing type 2 diabetes as well with keeping cholesterol and blood pressure down. In addition to all of this, because they help you feel full faster, they can also help with keeping your weight under control.



If you haven’t heard of kefir until now, it’s essentially a fermented beverage that’s typically made from milk. It is quite similar to yoghurt, but it’s thinner, and it typically has more probiotics than yoghurt. In addition, it also contains calcium, B vitamins, potassium and proteins. The great thing about it is that even though it’s made from cow’s milk, even those who are lactose intolerant can usually digest it quite easily because of the fermentation of lactose. It can also be made from coconut or rice milk.

Dark Leafy Greens

Dark Leafy Greens

If you’re looking for something that contains vitamin C, calcium, folate, magnesium, fiber, iron and zinc, then start eating more dark leafy greens. They are amazing for reducing the risk of health issues like heart diseases or type 2 diabetes. Thanks to their carotenoids, they also have wonderful anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce the risk of cancer. Examples of dark leafy greens include spinach, kale, turnip greens and swiss chard.



Garlic is a delicious condiment that’s a relative of leeks, shallots and onions. It also contains things like vitamin B6, fiber, manganese, vitamin C and selenium. It is amazing for keeping cholesterol and blood pressure low, as well as for boosting your immune system.



Ginger is absolutely amazing for tons of different uses. For starters, it is often used for flavoring meals, but it also has tons of medicinal effects. Indeed, containing plenty of antioxidants, as well as compounds that help reduce nausea and inflammation. In addition, it is thought that it can help lower the risk of heart disease, a few types of cancers and even dementia. It can be eaten fresh, or used in stir-fires, soups, teas and sauces.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds

These are amazing sources of fibers, healthy fats and proteins. In addition, they also have antioxidant factors, as well as anti-inflammatory compounds that work to protect the body against the oxidative stress. Including nuts and seeds into your daily diet can help protect your heart from illnesses. In some cases, they can even help with weight loss when they are made a part of a balanced diet. Great examples of nuts and seeds include almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and cashews.



This one’s a spice that is quite close to ginger, and just like ginger, it is used for both cooking and medicinal reasons. Curcumin, which is the active compound in turmeric, has amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. There are studies suggesting that it can be of help when it comes to diabetes, cancer and heart disease. In some cases, it was linked to lowering of pain, as well as to helping in wound healing.



Another great superfood is salmon, which is filled with B vitamins, selenium, healthy fats, potassium and selenium. It is also an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids.
