Being a new mom is a unique challenge. You face problems you have never encountered before, and it's normal to feel stressed and sometimes powerless. However, it's possible to deal with each of the challenges successfully if you know what they are and what to expect from them.

1. Feeding


Regular feeding s are probably the most important thing when it comes to being a mom to a newborn. If it's possible, start nursing the baby within the first hour. You'll enable a firm latch if you rub your baby's mouth and nose with your nipple. Before you start feeding the baby, cup and compress your breast. It's important to feed your baby when it signals you it's hungry for the first six weeks. Your baby will probably want to eat 8-12 times a day. Don't get worried if you give only drops of milk in the first couple of days. The milk will usually come after the third day, and there will always be enough amount for as long you feed the baby regularly. In case you have to bottle feed, it's better to talk to your paediatrician about the right formula.

2. Sleeping

In the first couple of months, your baby will sleep for about 16 hours a day. In the evening, make sure you have the same routine - turn off the lights, give your baby a warm bath, change diapers and feed it. Using a baby bouncer, rocker or a swing is perfectly ok if it helps your baby fall asleep. Stay close to your baby because it will balance the baby's heart rhythm and stable its body temperature, but it will also enable you to reach the baby faster during the night. That way, you will manage to have the same sleeping cycle as your baby, which is essential for you because you'll get enough sleep. Wait for a couple of months before you start with any form of sleep schedule.

3. Relationship with your husband

The relationship between you and your husband will certainly be rocky from time to time when the baby comes. Some new moms feel like they have to do most of the work, while fathers feel the pressure to be equally successful at their jobs to provide for their family and at their new role. It's normal to be angry or annoyed with your husband from time to time and to have disagreements. However, it's important to realise that your husband is making a maximum effort, just like you. You have to openly tell your husband what you need. Even the slightest help like him doing the laundry once a week or taking over the night feeding once in a while can help a lot to improve the situation.

4. Safety

You need to ensure your baby's safety inside and outside your home. If you have an infant carrier, never place it on the table but always on the floor. Your baby should never be left alone or with your pet or its older sibling. Also, don't hold any hold liquids while holding the baby and don't ever microwave baby's bottle. It's possible that the microwave will create a "hot spot" in the formula, which could severely burn your baby's mouth. Make sure there aren't any maps or other electrical objects that that could fall on the baby if it pulls them. While driving the baby in the car, the child car seats should have the LATCH system. Many quality brands like Maxi Cosi produce the safest car seats that include this system. Your child should also have the right type of the place (the first seat, then the booster seat. Lastly, you shouldn't dress your baby into oversized winter clothes but in regular clothes. In case of an accident, there will be too much room between the belt and the baby.

5. Home-keeping

It's hard to regularly tidy up your home and have meals cooked in time with a baby. It will be easier for you if you stock up on meals that are easy to prepare, like grains, pasta and frozen vegetables. Ask a family member to bring you prepared meals in the first week - it will save you a lot of trouble. Have your laundry professionally washed or have somebody else do it. If you have an older child, have the grandparents take care of them more frequently, so you have more time to deal with the house chores. Don't feel the pressure to have visitors until you're ready and accept the fact that your home will be in a kind of a mess for a short amount of time.

6. Crying

Hunger, discomfort and sleepiness are what your baby will want to communicate in the early period. If your baby brings hands to its mouth or turns its head to the side, that means it's hungry. Change its diapers often to prevent discomfort. Make sure the baby burps after the feeding and hold it whenever you feel you should and want.

7. Taking care of yourself

Don't neglect yourself during this period. Don’t get dehydrated and make sure your diet is healthy. Allow yourself to have a least 15 minutes of peace - enjoy a warm bath, have a cup of tea or just relax in the bed. The better you feel, the better your baby will feel, too.

Final words

Even though there are a lot of challenges that anew mom will face, each one of them is solvable. Give yourself time and be patient with yourself and you'll enjoy almost every minute of this new experience.