Owning Real Estate Rental Property

Investing in properties is one of the best ways to secure your life-long savings, ensuring they don’t go to waste and continue providing a steady stream of income in the years to come. This is especially true for owning real estate rental property. A well-maintained rental property could mean a comfortable retirement for many. Some even opt for timeshare rental property, which is not a good idea. Why are timeshares a bad idea? Timeshares are very expensive, plus they rarely increase in value.

As a rookie investor, you have to play the real estate game without making fatal errors. Risks are inevitable in any business and owning rental properties can be very tricky, and if you're not prepared for it, you may lose big time. If you have or planning to hold rental properties, here are some common mistakes you will have to avoid.

1. Not Investigating The Reason For Selling

A house sold cheap will always have a reason why it’s affordable. Know all rights why the home is being sold. When buying a property to rent out, investigate how that property has worked in the past years. The seller should be able to provide a paper trail of how much it was rented for in the past year.

Don't invest just because it’s cheap now and you hope that the value will appreciate in the following years. It’s possible that it’s up for sale because no one has considered renting it, or if there are, there may be reasons why they left. You don't want to be selling the same property for the same reason.

In New York's best real estate directory, there is all the pertinent information about rental properties. That way, you can make sure that you buy a rental house or apartment that has a good history of renters, or if it was never up for rent, check the location for possible clients.

2. Not Reading The Contract Thoroughly

Buying rental properties would require signing a lot of contracts, so you have to take your time and read each of them thoroughly. If there’s anything unclear to you, always ask and, if possible, have it stated in the agreement. Everything should be in black and white. A missing item could mean having a loophole in any contract.

Don’t let any unclear matters slip by before you sign anything. You can also hire a lawyer to review the contract and be present during the contract signing. One thing to note, there are also companies that hire lawyers in each state to write contracts as well as rental agreement forms and hire them to keep the documents up-to-date. If this is your first rental property or if you like to be a hands-on landlord then it might be best to get a lease agreement template from a place like

3. Not Having a Real Property Manager

If you buy a rental property, the process does not end after signing contracts. You should also have a property manager who’ll be responsible for making sure that your property is in tip-top shape. Leaks in the plumbing or a broken doorknob can be very stressful to deal with if you don't have a property manager. If these problems are not addressed quickly, they may result in more pressing issues.

It may lead to selling your rental property for mismanagement. A reliable and efficient management company could be your best friend in this business. Find one within the area to make sure that they will be able to send someone promptly if the need arises.

4. Buying Multiple Rental Properties At A Time

If you’re a newbie investor and have the funds for multiple investments, buying many properties at once is very tempting, but that’s not a good idea. Take it one step at a time, buy a property, learn from it, and then move on to the next. If you had mistakes on the first one, you would surely know to avoid them on your second investment.

Buying rental properties is different from buying a home. A home can accommodate you even if it’s in the middle of nowhere as long as you like being there. However, a rental property should be accessible and appealing to many to make sure that you rent it out fast. Wait at least a year before jumping on your next rental property purchase.

A year or two should give you enough time to ensure that your first purchase is producing a steady income before you consider buying another one. It should also be enough time for you to learn and understand the whole process of buying and owning a rental property.

5. Not Having Insurance

In getting insurance for your property, make sure you get the right one to protect your property against natural calamities. Don't fall into the trap of not buying the proper insurance that suits the needs of your property. The location of your property plays a significant role in determining what kind of protection you need.  With insurance help, even if you lock yourself, you can quickly call Fast Keys Locksmiths services at your doorstep.

Consider the calamities that usually hit that location, which should be included in the insurance policy. The structure and material should also be considered. The right insurance should be able to protect your property during your lifetime, up to whoever inherits it.

A Good Investment

Owning rental property has many advantages, including tax benefits. It should provide you with a steady income and not constant problems. Take your sweet time investigating the property you're eyeing before you commit. Information is readily available on the internet, and you can learn the history or background of the location of the rental. Make your investment a way to provide you with a comfortable future by avoiding these mistakes.