Eskom load shedding is here to stay, if you are homeowner this is the time to start considering investing in solar energy, even if going off-grid.
An off-grid solar system isn't connected to the electricity grid and needs battery storage. Off-grid solar systems should be appropriately designed to get enough power throughout the year and have the required battery capability to satisfy the installed locations electricity needs or demand.
More South African homeowners are electing to move to solar panels thanks to increasing affordability and therefore the big selection of advantages they offer.
Where to start?
“Installing a solar system isn't simply a matter of sewing up a couple of panels and adding a few batteries, there's no normal system, every system must be properly sized to suit the necessities of every home,” Hutchinson same.
“Make positive the company you're managing is a longtime company with an honest reputation and may offer the proper advice and service back up.”
Hutchinson added that it's vital to prioritise, reducing your most massive masses first, as this may deliver the best savings:
- Start by replacing the home’s light bulbs with energy economical lighting.
- Replace your home’s geyser with a setup, or solar geyser. An extremely insulated hot water storage system can even cut the homes electricity prices by an estimated 50%.
- A solar photovoltaic (PV) system will offer up to 30% of an average home’s energy. It's vastly helpful in the long-run and should be viewed as an investment. However, before embarking on this, it's vital to grasp whether or not the home’s upper side has been designed to accommodate the best number of panels.
- Lastly, homeowners will select a complete integrated system. A hybrid inverter and battery, like Energy Partners’ own ICON Home Energy Hub, allows property house owners to integrate power from their solar PV panels, the national grid and batteries. It additionally incorporates a mobile app to track energy usage and savings in real time.
Solar system for a large house
The solar system which provides power to most appliances in a large home – excluding a heater and geyser – will cost around R233,000.
This system includes 24 solar panels, inverters, a battery bank, cabling, and installation costs.
The following infographic provides an overview. |
Standalone / Off-Grid Solar System with Lithium-Ion Battery Backup
1. 6,4 KW/h Lithium Ion Battery
2. Inverter/Charger
3. DB Board
4. Combiner Box
5. Solar Charge Controller
Standalone / Off-Grid Solar System with Lead Acid Battery Backup
1) 48V Lead Acid Gel Hybrid Batteries in Battery Cabinet,
2) Inverter/Charger,
3) DB Board,
4) Combiner Box,
5) Solar Charge Controller
Grid-Tie Solar Systems: Examples
Standard Grid-Tie Solar System |
1) Grid-Tie Inverter with integrated MPPT Controller,
2) DB Board,
3) Service Bypass Switch
Standard Grid-Tie Solar System with Lead Acid Battery Backup |
1) 48V Lead Acid Gel Hybrid Batteries in Battery Cabinet,
2) Inverter/Charger,
3) DB Board,
4) OmniPower Grid-Tie Inverter,
5) KW/h Input / Output Meters
Standard Grid-Tie Solar System with Lithium-Ion Battery Backup |
1) 6,4 KW/h Lithium Ion Battery,
2) Inverter/Charger,
3) DB Board,
4) OmniPower Grid-Tie Inverter,
5) KW/h Input / Output Meters
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